Chapter Four: meeting the deceased and a father

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(Ed's pov)

I had woken up noticing, that I had fallen asleep on the chair next to Renae. She was already up and was helping Pinako and Winry cook. She spun around with a plate full of eggs and bacon. Her golden hair flew around in gentle locks as she twirled around to work at the oven and make pancakes. Her silver eyes glimmering with determination to make a batch of pancakes to perfection. Renae wisped around moving quicklyto the table setting a pile of steaming pancakes on the surface next to the eggs and bacon.

"Good morning Ed." Renae said her voice full of joy and cheerfulness. Renae had changed her clothes into a pair of white jeans and a tank-top, she looked nicely dressed for wearing something so casual. "Ed, is something wrong?" Renae asked me looking concerned.

"I'm fine..." I trailed off to make it look like I was thinking. "Renae, l've decided that I'm going to visit my mother after breakfast, would you like to accompany me?" I asked Renae, her bright smile dropped off to a serious expression.

"Okay...Ed, should I change into some thing more formal to wear?" Renae asked sadness in her tone.

"No what your wearing is fine I don't think mother would mind." I said blushing and turning away so she wouldn't see. She sighed and sat down to eat. Pinako went to get Lils, but she was already in the kitchen doorway. Lils stumbled in looking like a morning person, which she is not. Renae looked at lils confused and got up out of her chairand felt lils forehead thinking that she had a fever and backed away with a look of confusion.

"Lils whats wrong with you?" Renae asked her concerned

"Alphonse likes me!" Lils bubbly responded.

Renae just gave Lils a hug and congratulated her.


"Ed are we leaving now?" Renae asked excited to 'meet' my mother.

"Yes Renae we are." I sighed at her enthusiasm.

"Okay. Pinako we're off, see you in a bit." Renae called waving to Pinako. "Hey Ed..." she mused turning to face me.

"Hmm" I hummed letting her know I was listening.

"Isn't Al coming? " she asked her face droped to a frown.

"No, he's on a date with Lils." I answered her.

"Oh...well, I was born in Risembol. I grew up with my gran and Lils parents to rely on. I just wish that I spent more time with my parents." Renae sighed looking as if she was going to cry.

"Renae, you don't need to tell me anymore. Al and I's dad left us while we were little. I have doubts that he will be coming back. " I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder guiding her into the cemetery.

"Ed whose that?" Renae asked pointing to a black siloette standing over my mother's grave.

"Oh great." I said still guiding Renae to mothers grave. "Hohenheim."

"Ed what happened to my house? And whose this?" Hohenheim asked/adressed me.

"Ed is this your dad?" Renae asked me feeling the tension.

"Yes, Hohenheim this is my partner Renae. " I introduced them to each other.

(Renaes pov)

I bowed my head feeling shy and confused. I stuck my hand out to shake hands with Hohenheim. "I'm very honored to meet the famous Elric brothers father." I whispered nearly auditable.

Hohenheim hesitantly took my hand and gently shook it.

"Hohenheim, I know that it's rude to ask--but what civilization are you decended from?" I asked curiosity overtaking me. Hohenheim didn't answer me, but I've got feeling that Hohenheim was from a race no longer existing--like me a Xersen. "If you're uncomfortable telling me. I could tell you mine." I said scared of Hohenheim's golden gaze that was so much like my father's and Ed's. "I'm from a an ancient civilization that is extinct from creating a philosophers stone. I was born here in Risembol, but my parents came as immigrants." I whispered to Hohenheim so Ed wouldn't over hear.

Hohenheim looked at me I took out the contacts my parents made for me before they left for Isbhal. I showed my golden eyes to him so he could see that I'm of the same race. "My parents great ×100 grand parents kept them selves isolated from Xerse, but they were still considered citizens. They were against the emperors actions. Once the emperor and the city vanished they left the country eventually ending up here in Risembol. " I said replacing the contacts, once again hiding my race from everyone but Hohenheim--the first person I ever told.

"Now, Ed I've met your father now I need to meet your mother. " I said walking up to Trisha Elric's headstone. I knelt down and transmuted a flower crownmade of lilies and bluebells. I placed it gently on her headstone and turned to walk to my sister's grave all the way in the back corner. I sat down next to her grave and silently cried into my knees trying to talk to her.Ed silently sat down next to me and comforted me.

"Is this her?" Ed asked referring to the grave I sat next to-- that said Bekah Chifton 1983- 1992 died at age nine of illness. I nodded my head ashamed to show my face covered with salty tears. Ed payed his respects as I had to his mother.

"Ed. I..." I tried to talk but my voice cracked and I couldn't talk anymore because I found it hard to breathe. I started coughing and gasping for air. I started to see black spots in my vision, I fell over still gasping for oxygen. "Ed..gah...take me to Pinako." I wheezed still trying to breathe. Ed picked me up and sprinted back to Pinako's, Hohenheim caming along easily keeping up with Ed. I blacked out still gasping.
(Time skip cuz im too lazy)

I woke up with Eds head leaning into my lap, seeing as he was sleeping in a chair and fell face first into my lap. I shifted and Ed woke up with out his hair in his usual braid his hair cascading down his shoulders I played with a strand giggling to myself. Ed looked at me confused I stoped and hugged him. "Is your father still here." I asked, he made a face of disgust.

"Yeah he's still here but he's talking to Alphonse at the moment." Ed replied still with a disgusted face.

"Don't hate Hohenheim, im pretty sure he had a good reason to leave out of the blue." I scolded, lightly giving him a push.

Pinako walked into the room, seeing ed and I grinning. "It's nice to see that your awake Renae. Hohenheim said that you were just overwhelmed with emotions earlier, so your free to get up and walk around."

"Thank you Pinako. Your a great care giver." I complimented her. "Winry!" I yelled and raced out of the room yo drag Win to the river to talk. I figured I would talk to Hohenheim once I got back.

Winry and I got to the river bed we used to swim at. "Hey, Win? Remember when Bekah was healthy and we.used yo come over, we did some crazy stuff. " I started talking to break the depressing silence.

"Yeah of course I'll never forget those days." Winry laughed.

"Hey I've still never wore a dress after that day. I still hate that pink frilly dress you put me in." I said pouting. I looked up at the sky."Winry we better head back it's almost supper time." I said standing and helped her to her feet.

"Last one back has to clean Dens leg!" She shouted sprinting it took me only a matter of seconds to pass her. I sat on the front step, waiting for her to catch up. I kept waiting for what seemed to be two minutes, she finally came into view I smiled but then everything turned black. I panicked and elbowed whoever it was behind me with a lot of force. I twist around to see Ed doubled over holding his stomach.

"Ed dammit don't do that. I have reflexes a ton worse than that." I scolded him still looking down. I helped him to his feet. "Is Hohenheim still here?"

"Yeah he's talking to Pinako, why?" Ed sighed.

"Hohenheim amd I need to talk he and I may have some history lessons I need about my ancestors." I replied.


A/N hey my lil pups I am truly sorry that I have not been updating at all I had a crap ton of home work and I have algebra and I have no clue whats going on but I mannaged to slide by with a -C and Im writing this out of my note book. I just started eighth grade and so far it sucks but I know it will get get better. I actually have a job yo so that is another reason--I babysit. And they don't exactly like to stay out of their cupboards and not eat everything. So yeah there will be a second part to this with a different title. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share! :D I'd love to hear your opinions and try to apease you.

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