Chapter 10: Saved?

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(Renae's pov(age 18))

Father lead me to an open room filled with people, criminals and all that. They were in a large cage almost like a bunch of hamsters. Around the cage were large cylinders filled with red translucent liquid.

I decided to rearrange the room a bit, the cylinders were now in a pentagonal shape, much like its Alkhestry cousin.

"Ahh you and the blonde haired one think alike in many ways."

"I know, I love him..." I sighed. "He's done a lot for me and I'm doing this despite the fact that I promised that i would never do this again."

"I'm well aware of that, but my question is why? Why do it anyway?"

"I love my family and their lives are more important than mine." I shot back with anger.

He stoped talking to me and let me work. I slowly thought of a way to stall until Ed got here. I couldn't think of anything, so I continued and knelt to the transmutation circle. I clapped my hands and pressed them to the circle. Tears streamed down my face as I was greeted by the familiar black vortex.

"So we meet again, how long has it been. My you've gotten taller.." I cut Truth off before it could continue.

"I've also gotten thinner. I've been under custody of the humonculi for three fucking years. Being under fed. Angst has been there longer. I'm doing this for her, please truth will I get out of this alive true or false?" I say.

"True and false Renae it depends now to see more of the truth and recieve my payment."

"Fine until I die." I smirk.

As I looked around in my doors i smiled seeing the other side it was so much better actually making me almost anxious to die. I came out of my doors remembering everything I saw. I sat down Indian style and let truth take its payment.

Truth took my legs paying no mind to the stone around my neck, truth must know that it's not for this purpose.

As I went back to reality the searing pain of my legs being deconstructed I fell on my face without trying to catch myself. I lay face down on the floor soaked with my own blood. Damn I'll either have to get automail or be stuck in a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

Father pulled me up from my armpits and gingerly carried me to my cell not bothering to put the shackles on, not like i can run away anyway. I couldn't move except to drag myself along in an army crawl, but I was to exhausted to move thanks to the excessive blood loss. So, so dizzy..

"Angst.. I'm s-sorry.. I-I did it.. a-again.." I gasped slipping into oblivion. "G-good luck Edward, I-I love you.." and with that I slipped away.

(Angsts pov (age 16))

"S-sister... no... no... no... why? You can't die now, they need you, Ed needs you, Amestris needs you, I need you. Please... please pull through." I sobbed trying to comprehend some way to assess the situation. I finally had enough energy to get free and maybe get to her to stop the bleeding.

I released myself by traveling by shadow into her cell. I fell to my knees tearing at my shirt to sop up the blood and stop its flow. "I'll save you sister. I shadow traveled her to outside the apartment of Ed and Al. I layed her down proped against the wall, rang the buzzer and left. Ed and Al can't know about me yet. Sister you can die, as long as I'm a homunculous I can't, so your safety comes first. I appeared back in my cell and collapsed exhausted in my tattered clothes.

(Ed's pov (age 17))

I answered the door to see my beloved missing Renae. "Al come here and help me!" I lifted her into my arms and carried her inside closing the door behind me.

Al and I cleaned her up, with a damp wash cloth and bandaged up her wounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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