Chapter Two: Getting to know my associates

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(Renaes pov (age: 12))

Lils and I just got back from a mission and were reporting back to Mustang. I got to his office door and knocked before I entered. I see Roy glaring at a blonde short kid around my age. I walk up yo Mustang and saluted. "Sir report on my mission." I said handing him yhe report Lils helped me write.

"Renae this is Edward Elric, he is the same age as you are. He has just become a state alchemist, I want you to be his partner and work with him from now on." Roy introduced Ed to me.

" Yes sir! " I said my eyes still on the blonde haired tween with some growth issues. He has golden eyes, they're beautiful. I try to hold in a blush and succeeded in doing so. It was a relief that Alphonse was at the door talking to Lils. I walk to Lils and say, " I have a new partner, his name is Edward Elric." My silven eyes gleaming. " I'm guessing that you are Alphonse in the armor, the younger brother of Ed. Am I correct?"

"Yes I am. I'm surprised that you know us seeing that you have only been here for an hour." Alphonse sounded surprised.

"Yeah, but you know Al I know what you guys did. Roy sent me a letter about a week ago. I was on a mission in Ishval." I said dropping the formal attitude looking sad. "I too have committed the taboo"

"Who did you try to bring back?" Al asked concern ringing in his voice.

"I tried to bring back my younger sister who died of an illness." I said pushing back tears. "There is a reason for me being called the Steel Alchemist." Pulling back my sleeve showing Al what I ment.

"You have automail?!" Edward yelled from behind me making me jump up. My sleeve still up showing my gleaming steel arm.

"Yeah, hence where the name Steel Alchemist came from. I lost it doing the taboo when I was ten.i tried to bring back my little sister. " I said shyly hiding behind Alphonses cold armor.

Ed sighed and looked up at me seeing I was taller by at least an inch. "Erm...Ed...thats a little to close." I whispered being backed up towards the wall by Ed.

"Did you get your sister back?" Ed asked his eyes full of sadness.

"No it was unsuccessful. And I never want to do that again." I said squirming under Eds gaze. "Can we go to the train now I have to go to Risembol. I'm going to miss it. Im supposed go there and meet your mechanic. I want to see if they will give me a tune up on my arm." I said trying to get to Lils. "You guys need to escort me to their house. "

Lils wanted to go to Risembol and talk to some of the locals and see how her cousin is doing. I agreed finding out that an automachanic resides there, for I know my arm needs a tune up.

Ed and I sit across from Al and Lils. We sat in complete silence until Eds stomach growled and Lils ended up giggling at ed for how loud it was. I kept looking out the window until I felt something brush against my hand and stay there. I look to my hand and see a gloved one over my own. I look at Ed. Ed had fallen asleep and door was leaning on the door. I pulled his arm intending to wake him up, only he didn't wake up he fell towards me his head landing in my lap. I blushed a bright tomato redand attempted to get him off but only succeededin getting agrivated. I decided to just leave it, throwing my arms up into the air in defeat. I looked at Eds sleeping face. 'He's kind of cute though' I thought to my self.

I leaned on the window and fell asleep thinking of a taller Edward and a strange woman throwing a wrench at his head.

I awoke to Ed shifting in his sleep and the train stopped at Risembol. I poked Ed face hoping to wake him up. Surprisingly it worked. Ed opened his eyes catching my silver ones. Ed realized the situation, blushed and got up. I made my way out of the car with my suite case and jumped off the train Lils and the Elrics in suit.

"Now which way to your mechanic, Ed?" I asked excited to meet the famous alchemists mechanic.

"This way..." Ed said taking the lead. As we walked up to a familiar house a wrench flew at Eds head. Ed got up groaning, I picked up the wrench and turned it over in my hands. I looked up to see a very pissed rockbel.

"Winry?" I questioned my eyes widening.

"Renae? Lils? Is that really you?" Winry askeda smile gracing her lips.

"Yes, Winry. Its nice to see you again, how's Pinako?" I asked happy to see the two doctors daughter. The Rockbels tried to help Bekah with her illness. They went off to help in Ishbahlen war and never mabe it back.

I walked up to Winry and gave her a hug. "Hey, Win... Bekah died" I stated bluntly trying not to cry. Softly laying it down as if it would break her. Winrys face fell to a sad, depressed look. It looked as if she was going to cry. I hugged her even tighter, for comfort. Winry and Bekah were really close to each other, they were practically cousins. Winry and I walked into the house arms wrapped around each others shoulders. I saw Den and Pinako, and told her the news. She kept the same stoic expression and sighed. "My dear, you know that's not the only reason your here."

"Your right Pinako. I'm here to meet Eds mechanic but it seem as though I've already met her." I said rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. "Hey Win I need a tune up I've grown so much my arms a little off." I said getting up going to Winrys room tp get measured up for my arm. "Thanks Win, how much will I owe you?"I said having my pen and pencil out.

"Not this time Renae its on the house this time." Winry said pushing me out of her door it will be done in three days. I walk out and surprised Ed wearing the clothes I packed consisting a pair of pants and an oil stained tank top. I smirked at Ed and fell into the couch closing my eyes to relax and chat." So Ed lets get to know each other better." I started the conversation informally.

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