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I break.

I may not be a china doll but that dosent mean that I don't break.

Inside of me I've kept it in so long, and I just can't take it.

If you think this is about you, congratulations no one cares.

I've been hurt so many times, in so many ways, by so many people that its hard to say who this is for.

The days that I cried myself to sleep at night.

Curling up, wanting to DIE.

I will admit at sometimes I wanted it all to end.

I couldn't though.

Seeing the smiling faces or my friends and my family.

I knew it wasn't right.

I took my feelings.

Locked them away.

I've lost the key.

My feelings start to show through now.

I'm not as strong as I once was.

I'm on the inside, finally breaking out.

Now I can show it, show what's inside.

I've finally given up hope to hide it all.

I don't care what they think.

If they think I'm seeking attention.

Or doing this for revenge.

I need to finally vent.

No more can I keep this in.

I am inspired by a friend who has tough times of her own. <3

Thank you for helping me see I need no ones approval in life but my own.

For once you can see me truly.

Finally see who I really am.

Inside I'm different to the girl you know.

The one who's happy, and fine with absolutely nothing wrong.

Well guess what?

Behind that mask, this girl has feelings.

Feelings that have accumulated into something more.

They make me who I am today.

My scars inside and out may never heal but I know,

At least I can let them out.

At least I can let it all out now.

Feelings inside bursting through.

Finally seeing the light.

Dedicated to @_Walking_Travesty_

Thank you for showing me that who we are is who we chose and no one can judge us because of that! xx

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