Day Five: Fashion Show

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I have been so excited to write this one! I originally got this idea because it would look so amazing as fan art. This one shot is rated teen for language and sexual references be careful smol beans. If you've enjoyed please vote and comment it makes my day! -Colorado


Curse that Lila Rossi. Due to a new trail of lies, Marinette had been blamed for beating her up before school when in fact she didn't, but the principal took Lila's side anyway, like he always does. As her punishment, she had been sent home early and got a month's detention.

"Go upstairs to your room, Marinette." Her mother told her.

"Maman, I didn't-"

"I never said you did, but you should go up to your room to start your make-up work."

"This is the second time that girl Lila has wrongly blamed you of something." Her father piped up. "You would think the school would learn." He shook his head. "Don't worry, Marinette, we'll figure something out. In the meantime, your mother is right, go upstairs and get to work on your school assignments."

"Okay Papa." Marinette slowly trudged up her stairs to her bedroom in defeat. Once there she flopped down on chaise.


"Yes Marinette?"

"How could M. Damocles believe Lila? Again?" 

"I don't know Marinette. At least the rest of the class didn't find out this time."

"Knowing Lila she'll probably blab to anyone who will listen."

"But who would believe her?"


"Even though they know you'd never do anything like that?"

"They believed her last time." Marinette groaned.

"Alya didn't, nor did Adrien, even Chloe didn't get akumatized!"

"I guess."

"Look, Marinette I know that you're frustrated, but try to calm down, we don't want to attract an akuma!"

"You're right Tikki, but this is the second time this has happened!"

"I know, but sooner or later Lila WILL be exposed. You're Ladybug! You save the world! You can handle Lila."

"If I could handle her, I'd be at school right now! They didn't even give me a chance to explain myself I-" Tears started to bubble up in her eyes.

'Tap, tap, tap.' A faint sound came from her trapdoor. 

"C-come in, C-Chat" She took a shaky breath and turned away from the superhero who had landed on her bed. 

"Princess?" He asked from behind her, walking towards her. "I heard about what happened at your school today. I wanted to stop by to see if you were o-" He was cut off by Marinette wrapping her arms around him and sobbing into his chest.

"I'm so sick and tired of everything, Chat. I do nothing wrong and yet I always get punished. Lila seems to always win." Chat's heart broke at Marinette's tears. He would have to pay Mlle. Rossi a visit later. 

"Shhhh Princess, it's okay, I'm here."

"I just want a break. A break from her tyranny, a break from her always winning no matter what I do, a break from this hell that she's caused." She sobbed into his chest.

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now