Day Sixteen: Roses

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When I first thought up this prompt, I had no idea what the heck I was doing. Hopefully this will turn out okay. I love this song so much and decided to use it for this prompt. This one shot is rated teen! Please vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                -Colorado


"What are your favorite flowers?" A voice asked, snapping Marinette out of her thoughts. 

She had been busy trying to come up with a new design for a contest at school and had been completely ignoring her visitor.

"What?" She asked, spinning in her desk chair to face the person lounging in her chaise.

"What's your favorite flower?" Chat Noir asked again, turning to look at her. 

"Why?" She asked. He shrugged.

"I'm just curious." He gave her a lop-sided grin. A memory popped into her head.

Chat walked towards her, gave her a soft smile, and handed her the red rose. "I get it, Ladybug. Your friendship means everything to me." He kissed her cheek, making her gasp in surprise. "You can keep the rose it goes with your costume." He said. Then, he left. 

Marinette shook her head, trying to clear it.

"I'm not sure what my favorite flower is." She replied. Chat pouted.

"Aw, you're not gonna make this easy on me and tell your kitty what your favorite flower is?" He walked over to her, so that their faces were inches apart.

"Nope!" She bopped his nose and turned back around. Hoping that he didn't catch a glimpse of her searing cheeks.

"Darn." He said as he rubbed his head against her shoulder.

"You really are a cat, aren't you?" Marinette smirked and Chat sent her a wink.

"You know it Purrincess!" She chuckled and turn back to your desgin.

"Can't you take a break?" He asked her. "You've been at it for an hour and a half." He had spent the time playing games on the laptop he always left at her place.

It was perfect for movie nights.

"Yet I'm no closer to figuring out my design for the contest." She groaned.

"Well, whatever it is it'll be a-moew-zing." He kissed her cheek before heading back to the chaise. She still wasn't used to that.

As he continued to visit her, their relationship as Marinette and Chat had spiraled from a tentative friendship, to them being inseparable whenever he was around, to them trying to find any excuse to see each other, to this.

She wasn't quite sure what they were, but she wasn't about to ask. Even though it was uncertain, it was nice having him flirt and display affection so easily. She obviously returned the favor whenever she could.

"Thanks Kitty, but I'll feel a lot better once this is done." She said frowning.

"Maybe watching movies with me will help?"He asked, scooting over so she could come and join him. "You're not making any progress, you might as well come over here and sit by me."

"As tempting as it sounds. I really should get this done." Marinette told him, biting her lip.

"You might get some inspiration from characters." He sang. She sighed and trekked over to him. She laid down by him, his arm immediately falling behind her. 

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now