Day Twenty-One: Karaoke

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*rubs hand together evilly with a maniacal smile* This'll be fun and is rated teen! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed it! Also I'll attach the songs. Have fun!  (I am aware that this one-shot is formatted a bit differently, but that's because of how I used the lyrics.)                                                                                                     -Colorado


If there's one thing Adrien Agreste has learned about Marinette Dupain-Cheng, it's that she has many, MANY hidden talents, so he shouldn't have been surprised to learnt hat she loved to sing. However, he was surprised to find out the sheer amount of talent her voice held. He had Alya to thank for discovering Marinette's angelic voice. 

It had all started that morning at school.

"Come on girl! Let's hang out after school today! You, me, Nino, and Adrien!" Alya was telling her as they walked to school. 

"That sounds like a ton of fun Alya! I don't think I have anything going on." She quickly ran through her mental calendar. "Nope! I have a free Friday afternoon!" She smiled because getting to hang out with her friends had become rarer and rarer.

"Hey dudettes!" A familiar voice called out to them. Nino and Adrien were walking over to them.

"Hey guys!" Alya waved them over. "Marinette said that she has an afternoon free so I'm thinking we could hang out at my place!"

"I just got a new portable karaoke machine!" Nino said excitedly. "I can bring that over."

"Sounds like a plan!" Alya smiled.

"Are you sure you have no plans Mari?" Adrien asked, raising his eyebrows. All three of them had a look of confusion on their faces before it dawned on Marinette.

"Shoot! I completely forgot! Chat Noir's coming by this afternoon."

"Ooooooo." Alya sang. Marinette face grew a bright red.

"Alya! You know it's not like that!" She whined.

"Sure girl. If it's not like that then you'll have no problem with us coming over anyways right? I mean Chat and I are kinda close. I'm the Ladyblogger and Rena Rouge so." Marinette still wasn't used to an identity being revealed so casually, but it didn't matter anymore.

"Chat's my buddy." Nino shrugged. "I wonder how he feels about karaoke?"

"He'll be there." Marinette promised. Karaoke seemed like it would be Chat's forte.

And Chat's forte it was. 

"I love karaoke!" He exclaimed, eyes shining when Marinette told him of the afternoon plans.

"Why am I not surprised?" She muttered. 

"Now I can serenade you my Princess." He purred spinning her. She let out a laugh, her eyes twinkling.

"It'll take more than a song to get me to fall for you, kitty cat." She told him, bopping his nose.

"You mean it took more than a song to get you to fall for me." He teased, grabbing her hand and placing a light kiss on it.

"You're such a flirt." She stuck her tongue out at him, smiling.

"Thanks I try." He told her, winking. Marinette laughed, making Chat's heart pound. "Hypothetically, if I did profess my love for you in a song, what would you do?" He asked.

"You just admitted to loving me in that sentence kitty." She giggled.

"I said hypothetically! My love is hypothetical." He protested and she pouted.

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