Day Ten: First Date

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Last part of the part three series! Tomorrow will be back to normal! This one shot is rated teen. Thanks for reading make sure to comment and vote if you've enjoyed!                                                                                -Colorado


Marinette's room was a shock to Alya. Say what you want about her bestie's time management, but she cared about her cleanliness. The only time Alya had seen her room messy was when Marinette had design projects, but that was always limited to one area of her room. So when Alya walked in to find clothes, makeup, and hair supplies strewn across the room she was surprised to say the least.

"Girl, what the hell happened here?" Alya asked her, giving her best friend a wide-eyed expression. 

"I'm trying to figure out what to wear for tonight." Marinette told her. Alya racked her brain. She didn't think anything was planned.

"What's tonight?" Marinette flinched. Had she forgotten to tell Alya about her plans? Apparently so.

"Ummm well a might have a" she mumbled.

"A what?" Alya asked.

"A date! I have a date tonight!" Marinette exclaimed. She saw Alya blink twice. '3...2...1'

"OH MY GOD GIRL! A DATE!" Alya yelled.

"Shhhh Alya, quiet!" She told the girl, looking around. "As of right now, only three people know about it. You, me, and the boy."

"Wait... your parents don't know?" Alya asked, flabbergasted. Marinette bit her lip and shook her head.


"Mari! How is he supposed to pick you up if he doesn't go through the front door?"

"Ummmm, he's coming in through the trapdoor?"

"How can he get up on your balcony?" Alya gave her a pointed a look.

"Well, um, his baton?" She shot her best friend an uneasy smile as she connected the dots. She gasped.

"Mari, you don't mean," her smile grew as Marinette looked down bashfully. "Chat Noir?"

"Maybe?" Marinette squeaked out. Alya's jaw dropped. "Alya?" She asked, concerned that the news broke her best friend. 

That concern disappeared when Alya let out a loud squeal.

"GIRL OH MY GOD THAT'S AMAZING!" Alya cheered. Marinette had to giggle at her friend's antics.

"I know."

"How the hell did that happen?" Alya asked.

"Well, don't freak out okay? And this can't go on the Ladybug."

"I promise I won't post on the Ladyblog unless you both give me permission."  

"Okay so, for a while now Chat Noir has been visiting me." Alya stared bug-eyed at her best friend.

"Seriously? Why?" Marinette bit her lip, wondering just who much she should reveal to Alya.

"I'm not 100% sure." Not a lie, but not the whole truth.

"Huh, that's interesting."

"Very. Anyway, so he started visiting me and on Tuesday he kissed me." Marinette paused her story for Alya to squeal. "Then the next day he admitted to being in love with me and I told him I returned his feelings." Another squeal. "And he asked me out and I said yes."

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