Day Twenty-Three: Comfort

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Hello everybody! So before I create this one-shot I would like to say I DO NOT MIND LUKA! I think that it's annoying that at this point in the show his only purpose is a love interest. We're gonna find more about him in Season 4 and I'm so excited because then maybe Lukanette will be more justifiable. In my opinion, Luka's love is just as true as Chat Noir's love is for Ladybug. Think about it, both of them fell in love with the girl on the spot, and Ladybug showed true vulnerability to Chat Noir while Marinette didn't to Luka. They both like Ladybug/ Marinette for the same reasons. However, I'm looking forward to learning more about him so that way I can have more of an opinion towards the Lukanette ship. Please don't hate on me! This is just my opinion! Okay, I'm done ranting. This one-shot is rated teen! Please vote or comment if you've enjoyed! Thanks! -Colorado


Where had she gone wrong? Everything had started out so perfect. He loved her and she loved him. He seemed to read her like a book and always found the perfect melody to cheer her up.

But, as of late, Marinette's relationship with Luka was becoming problematic. She went to him seeking comfort and all he did was play a melody on his guitar. At first, she was honored that he played a song especially for her and it always seemed to pinpoint what she felt, but now.

Well, she knew what she felt now, she didn't need a song to tell her that. She needed kind words, companionship, not somebody telling her what she already knew. She used to think that he could always cheer her up, always had that special something that helped her, but he didn't.

She was just so ready to be done with Adrien Agreste, wanting so badly to move on from her unrequited love, she looked at Luka through rose-colored glasses and now she was paying the price. 

Their relationship was just lacking. Lacking the spark, lacking the comfort. Luka couldn't do anything for Marinette, no matter how much he tried.

She was half-tempted to through his guitar into the Seine if she went over to his place one more time asking for advice on her problems and he just played her a tune. She needed solutions to the problems she had and he never gave her one. A song is nice, but it doesn't fix anything.

When she was going through drama with Lila at school and she told Luka about it, he just plucked his guitar using the excuse "I'm not good at giving advice." She cried herself to sleep that night, because that was the first time she realized that her romantic relationship with Luka wasn't a good one.

Sure, he still sent her daily messages, to the point it was annoying, and gave her gifts, and cuddles, and kisses, but when she truly needed him, he wasn't there. It wasn't any fault of his, however and Marinette knew that, but that still didn't change the fact that the relationship wasn't working out.

Marinette went to Luka's seeking comfort, but always came back feeling worse because now she was still upset about whatever had happened AND at the fact that despite his best efforts her boyfriend wasn't helping her situation.

What would help her situation was if he talked  to her instead of playing on his guitar and saying "You're a brave, remarkable girl, Marinette. You'll figure something out." Yeah, the compliments were nice, but it wasn't what she needed. 

Marinette understood that playing the "melody of her soul" or whatever was his way of trying to help her, but it wasn't working. Maybe the first few times, but not now. She didn't blame him. He was doing what he could, but what he could do wasn't helping. It was only making things worse.

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