Day Seven: Sunset

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Hello! First off I want to thank @zedakt for today's prompt! She's my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without her! This one-shot is rated teen for mild language and sexual references! If you've enjoyed please vote and comment! -Colorado


At the end of the day, Chat Noir loved cliche. He had always liked cliche, but what really made him love cliches, especially romantic ones, was a life-changing event.

It all started that fateful afternoon when Alya, Marinette, Nino, and Adrien decided to go see a movie together. With Adrien's strict schedule and Marinette's ever increasing responsibilities, they hardly ever got to hang out the four of them.

"I can't believe that both of your schedules lined up!" Alya cheered as they made their way to the theater after school.

"Neither can I, it's been crazy these past couple months. My designs have really taken off." Marinette told the group.

"That's no surprise, Mari, you're crazy talented!" Adrien complimented the young girl and she just smiled at him.

"Thanks Adrien." She said with no stutter. As soon as her feelings for him left, so did her stutter.

"It's only the truth."

"What movie do you dudes want to see?" Nino asked, starting to feel like a third wheel.

"What's out right now?" Marinette asked. Alya pulled out her phone and started to type.

"Umm looks like there's a movie called Ransoms which is a documentary-."

"No." Nino shook his head.

"Why not? It sounds interesting!" Alya protested.

"We just got out of school man, my brain needs a break!" Nino complained.

"Okay, okay, there's also one called Tipsy which is a comedy-."

"Uhhh," Adrien started to say, "I hate to be a killjoy, but when I told my father about the movies he specifically said NOT to watch that one. Sorry guys."

"It's fine Adrien, there's more than two movies playing." Alya reassured him. "Ooooo this one sounds cool!"

"What is it?" Mari questioned.

"Well, it's called Sleepville and it's a horror-."

"Absolutely not." Marinette cut in and stomped her foot down.

"Why not?" Adrien wasn't trying to be pushy, but he WAS curious.

"I. Despise. Horror." Marinette shuddered. The three friends laughed.

"Girl I swear," Alya started to say, but stopped when something caught her eye. "Ohmygoshthere'sanewsuperheromovieoutwehavetogoseeitnowNowNOW!" She exclaimed all in one breath.

"Woah, woah, babe calm down." Nino tried to calm his hyper girlfriend. "Take deep breaths, and explain to us what the big deal is slowly."

Alya calmed down and in a much more peaceful tone said, "There's a new superhero movie that we could go check out, if you guys want." She said trying to compose herself. Marinette laughed.

"You really think we're going to let that outburst slide?" She grinned mischievously.

"Yes because I'm your best friend." Alya then put on a smirk that rivaled Marinette's. "And because if you don't let that outburst slide I'll tell them about-."

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