Day Fourteen: Redecorating

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You. Guys! I have been wanting to write this specific one-shot for a very, very, very long time! Pretty much since I came up with the prompts! I think that we will see something like this in Season 4, but I'll explain that at the end. This one shot is rated teen. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                                                               -Colorado


Marinette sighed as she glanced around her room. She had a lot of work to get done and she wanted to get it done immediately, before she changed her mind.

"Are you sure about this Marinette?" Asked her kwami from her bag. 

She had been hearing that sentence a lot. When she told her mother, when she told Alya, when she told Rose and Mylene. Only Alix and Juleka seemed to not question her. Out loud that is. Alix had shot her a sympathetic smile when Marinette had told the group. Juleka had nodded and patted her shoulder. 

"I'm sure Tikki. This needs to be done." She looked around her room, formulating a game plan in her mind.

When she told people she was redecorating her room this weekend, most of them didn't think it was anything more than her just wanting to change it up. Only her gal pals, her mother, and her kwami knew what this truly meant.

It meant that she was moving on. 

"I just don't want you to regret this." Tikki expressed her concern.

"I know, Tikki, but I need to do this. I need to prove to myself that I can do this." Marinette said. Tikki flew up and hugged her cheek.

"I know you can do it, but do you want to?" Marinette nodded.

"Yes. I want to and I need to. This has gone on for far too long, Tikki. I need to get rid of this." She said, determined. 

"Okay then. I won't stand in your way." Marinette nodded.

"Here sweetie, I brought this." Her mother said, climbing up the ladder to her room.

'Thank goodness Tikki has learned to hide fast.' Marinette thought.

"Thanks Maman." She said grabbing the trashcan and walking over to her desk.

"I know I've already asked you but-."

"Yes, Maman, I'm sure I want to do this." Marinette smiled.

"Okay dear. Just double checking." Her mother then disappeared, probably going back down to the bakery. 

"Come on Tikki, we've got a lot of work to do." Tikki flew out of hiding.

"Where do you want to start? There's your bed, your desk, pretty much everywhere." She chirped. Marinette groaned.

"Don't remind me." She thought for a moment. "I'll get to work on the ones I 'hid' while you take care of my desk okay Tikki?" She flashed her kwami a grateful smile. There was no way she was going to be able to get this done without her help.

"Okay Marinette."

Marinette made her way over to her trunk. Knowing full well it wasn't just filled with the clothes that she would wear in the winter. 

'Let's do this.' She thought as she opened up the trunk. She was just about to get to work when she was interrupted.

'Tap, tap, tap.' 

Marichat May 2020Where stories live. Discover now