11. The Crush?¿

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Mr Bizzle accepts the interview but with some conditions which are not to get in his way and to write a good article about him. The next day I have meeting with Mr Bizzle's handler.  I've told Mr Daniel that introduce myself to Mr Bizzle.

Mr Daniel :" Okay, good job. We've recieved a message from his people earlier.  Apparently we've recieved formal consent from Mr Bizzle himself. You didn't make any mistakes, did you?"

Anna: " No , Sir, I didn't.  I am sure of it."

Mr Daniel:" That's good if true. Well I'll leave the rest upto you. If anything happens be sure to keep me in the loop."

Internally I feel little guilty about lying to him. I recieve a sheet of paper from Mr Daniel.  It contains contact information for Mr Bizzle and handler.  This is really the start of total coverage for me. I have to do my best.  It's my first time writing for total coverage,  i need to show greatness of basket ball as well as great reactions from the fans to everyone who reads.  I get myself hyped up about it all over again. When i return to my desk, i see James approaching me.

James: "Anna, congratulations ! I heard all about it! You are going to interview basket ball player, Bizzle Bieber, for total coverage?"

Anna :" Yes, I am so excited!"

James : " Hahaha,Great expression! I'll help you if you need it, just let me know."

Anna :" Okay, thanks. "

James : " But ...... Bizzle Bieber, He is really handsome, isn't he?"

Anna :" Y....Yes,but-"

For some reason I find it difficult to answer . Huh? Am I self conscious about that? Certainly I was fascinated by his game, but that was just because he's the subject of my interview.  As i try to convince myself of this,  James looks at me in wonder.

James: " Anna, do you have a crush on .........."

Anna : " W...what are you saying ?! Don't be mean. Come on, work ,WORK!"

James : " Wait...... please don't try to deceive me."

James look at me with reproachfull expressions.  But I send him back to his desk. First I look up the information of basketball players. As i investigate I find out more and more. Wow, Players can really make tens of millions of the year. And top players can make .........let's see .........10 times than that. I wonder what kind of person Bizzle is ,since he participates in that world . I am engrossed in my research and before I know it, it  is noon. Bizzle is definitely handsome I understand that he is glamorous and popular but seeing him in real life he seems different than that he appears on TV and magazines the Bizzle Bieber I see in media seems very easy to talk to he appears glamorous and that can be both good and bad but at the party he said some terrible things to me. When it comes to basketball I think he is very strict well I will be interviewing him so maybe I will figure all of that. Anyway right now I have to work out schedule with that I thought i turn back to the computer . As  work up schedule one problem arises ,I wonder what  Mr Bizzle's schedule is ,basketball seems to be pretty riding one. I should contact him directly I take a deep breath and contact him.

Bizzle:" hello"

Anna:"  oh this is"

Bizzle:" Anna, right ?stop with all these self introduction I have your number saved already."

Anna:" I ....Isee. I would like to interview while you are free would that be alright?

Bizzle:"  it's alright"

Anna :"thank you about the location -"

Bizzle: "you want interview come now."

Anna : " What?? Now??!

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