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Anna: " I...I thought you were working..."

Bieber: " I came over to get something."

I hurriedly close my bag, but Bieber doesn't retreat. On contrary he rubs his chin and speak as though he hasn't a care in the world.

Bieber: " Women's underwear is certainly is colorful. Recently,  in shops around here, I've seen underwear decorated with tons of lace, or bra with such large bows that I wonder how you even get them fastened.... There is such a large variety, so why is yours so plain?"

Anna: " I'm sorry that my underwear isn't sexy enough for you. "

Miffed I look away from him. Bieber leans closer smiling broadly.

Bieber: " I like it near and tidy. Also your hair looks cute that way. I like upswept hairdos."

Anna: "......"

He lightly pats the top of my head. I don't know how to reply and Bieber laughs when I just sit there turning red.
What a charmer!

He is really good at catching up. A real emotional roller coaster. And worst part of this all is that it works.
Then he returns to work.

Time passes

Although he told me to use room freely, i lean forward a little bit and watch Bieber as he works.

Basketball is his own interest but he also go for boat racing as following his father steps and trying to accomplish what his father wanted to. But he loves both Boat racing and  basketball.

I feel guilty that I am only one taking it easy. Thinking that there might be something I can do to help, i speak to him quietly from behind.

Anna: " You haven't eaten anything, have you? If you have anything here I would be happy to make something."

Bieber: "Thanks, i think there's some food in the refrigerator. Help yourself."

Anna: "Okay."

I want to use all my skills to make something good for Bieber, Who's working so hard, so i roll up my sleeves and head for kitchen.

There are alot of things here, i should be able to make something nice. Let's see hamburgers should be acceptable though. And i want to use some vegetables too, so I'll make minestrone. I remember a marathon racer saying once that he always ate pasta before race, so i decode to add spaghetti Bolognese to the menu. The carbs are easily digested, and it provides energy so......

Alright, I'm finished. Even though I think I might have overdone it a little, i call Bieber, and carry the food into the living room. When he see all the food he sits there silently.

Bieber: " ....."

Anna: " Is there something here you don't like?"

Bieber: " No, i like all of these, but there are too many calories here."

Anna: " What?"

Bieber: " If I'm too heavy,  i can't get enough speed in my sports. I'm always watching my weight. It doesn't help that I am really tall."

He's watching his weight?! Oh, no..If That's true there is no way he can eat all of this.

Anna: "I had no idea! I'm really sorry!"

The shock of this reality depresses me, but next to me, Bieber picks up his fork and starts eating steadily.

Anna: " What? Should you be eating that?!"

Bieber: " No,  i shouldn't.  But it's only polite to eat what's infront of me. Mmmm this is good. But next time,  make something wirh fewer calories. Come on you eat too. It would be shame to let it get cold."

I do as he says and starts eating too. Suddenly I remember something. " Next time...?"
I will have a chance to cook for him again. At this thought my heart begins to pound in my chest.

After eating as i do dishes I think he ate everything, his brusque kindness chokes me up a little.
I think he is a very kind man, he offered me to stay because of typhoon and even though it's like killing teeth, he is allowing me to interview him. The only thing he said was " Don't get in my way." That was one thing I was worried about. But he never did say anything unpleasant concerning that. He did made fun of me several times, but it never seemed mean spirited.

While giving thanks for his kindness , i finish washing the dishes, and return to living room.

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