16. You?

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Anna POV
Bieber is sitting on sofa watching DVD, i set more tea down at the table and look at TV. The video seems to be kind of old.

Anna " what time of game is this video of?"

Bieber " Ah, you come and watch too. It's interesting."

As he says this he moves over to make room for me on the sofa. I hesitate a little but eventually sit down leaving some space between us.

Bieber " You can't see from there,  come here."

Anna "What?"

With those little words he pulls my arm. "Ahh" his skin touches mine, i stiffen, he's so close how can i focus on video like this. I try to free myself and create little distance between us.

Bieber" Hey! Are you paying attention to the video?"

Anna " I-i am"

I feel his stare on me so i relax as much as i can and watch the video. The video is shot very close, it seems old but it is packed with information. I try to concentrate on it trying to gather some information but i can't focus, to much has happened between the two of us today. And closer we are the faster my heart beats, i feel like it might burst. Even in this situation Bieber looks so composed as he was alone, at the touch of his skin on mine, thousand of thoughts run trough my mind. The time when he lifted me up, in the bathroom when he caught me in his arms, the open smile i saw on his face when he came here, i can't control the blush that covers my cheeks. It would be nice if he would let me cover him in more private moments, basedon my interview up til now it seems like he doesn't care about anything except basketball. I press my hands against my cheeks trying to dispel my unruly thoughts. I straighten my spine trying to focus on the DVD infront of me. At the starting of eight match the announcer says it's "Bieber" wait, someone same as his name.

Anna "You were playing this early?"

Bieber " Ofcourse not its my father."

Anna " Your father was also  a player "

Bieber " Yes, but his record was undistinguished."

Bieber nods with a smile, and tap on my shoulder reminding me to watch the video. In the video as the match is about to start, the players take there position and unknowingly i clench my fist, the game starts and player of two opposite teams eager to feed the hungry loop by themselves, one of them being Bieber's  father. And as the game continues the scores are equal on both team, leaving few seconds for any team to boost up and win and just like that,  just around the corner Bieber's father feed the hungry loop.

Anna " Yay" " he won, he won"

Bieber " look here this isn't a live match and i have watched it many times."

Anna " Oh, ofcourse."
I feel embarrassed "Please excuse me for my sudden enthusiasm,  but i was so caught up in the game."

Bieber "........"

He remains silent.
I look down, and realized i have been clenching my fists so tightly that my palms are all covered with sweat. I pull my sleeves down and try to hide it, but Bieber is looking at me steadily.

Bieber " You really don't know anything about basketball?"

Anna "Well...... yes, but i did little study about it."

Bieber "Really? Because if i was watching today's interview,  i don't think i would be convinced."

His words are like sword through my heart, but unexpectedly the conversation doesn't end here. Bieber is still watching me.

Bieber " If you don't have particular interest in this sport  then why did you become like this?"

Anna "Like what?"

He just points to my hands, which were clenched so tightly during the video. I place my palms on my knees trying to hide the nails mark. I take a short breath and answer him.

Anna "At the start i was only i interested because of the interview. However i don't know why, but when i saw real match, it was really exciting. For some reason this match ignited something in me. I wanted to cheer on you, shout for you to "Go!""

Bieber "....."

Anna " I'm sorry i can't explain it very well. But basketball is very amazing. The sound of shoes screeching, ball bouncing resonates in my heart, and it was wonderful feeling. In one of your recent interviews you said you wanted to becomeon the top, right? To see you on that position i would-"

Taken aback, i stop talking, i realize that, unawares,i was about to blurt out those words ,to see you in that position i would do anything.

Anna " I would do my best to cheer for you"

I try to cover up my mistake by rewording what i was about to say.
Bieber smiles as though he didn't noticed anything odd.

Bieber " Hmm, thanks. i
I hope you will keep supporting me after the interviews are finished."

Anna " Yes, ofcourse."

When i reply cheerfully he just shrugs his shoulder. Am i safe? He didn't noticed anything

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