8. Susan's Victory

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Anna: " NO! That's the lamest joke. That can't be true."

Victoria :" Stop creating a scene at front desk, Me Anna. Now leave."

Anna:" Stop saying bullshit , he can't fire me, he gave me the new project. Let me go to his office."

Victoria:" You aren't allowed to go in there. And the project is taken away from you, as you are fired. I will call the security if you don't leave. "

Anna:" Why would he fire me?! I will go to his office."

Victoria:" Security!! Take her out from here. She is not allowed in or near the building."

Security grabs Anna and forces her out of the building as she was being difficult. By looking at Anna's face it seems like a flood came on her face.

Anna ( to herself) "I don't wanna go home, i will visit father at cemetery.  After buying flowers."

Arrives at the cemetery, Father's grave.

Anna:" Dad, Dad, wake up , talk to me, pat my head, encourage me. Dad why are you quite? Why did you left me in this cruel world all alone? Dad, i wanna meet you... I- I want your shoulder to cry on. Dad you know •sob• I got •sob• fired today. I don't know the reason why •sob• maybe because I will tell the truth in interview •sob• but Dad •sob• why would I get fired because of it? Dad •sob• I miss you so much, you were everything to me. Today my boss even •sob• scolded me , it was first time he scolded me in two years.  Dad , please talk to me, please pat my head. I will sleep by your side.

It's late evening when Anna wakes up still in cemetery

Anna: "Bye Dad, i feel lighter by sharing my things with you. Do you remember Bertha? I wanted to share with her ,but she will get upset.  Thank you for always helping me and making me at ease.

* Meanwhile in Panther's Gate*

Susan to her friend
Susan : " Dang it , Emily,  i am so happy , he finally fired her. "

Emily:" Well seems like you won the bet, but still you owe me a dinner."

Susan:" Whatever you ask. I am so happy. I hated the way he used to see her, like she was the last girl on this planet and he loved her dearly. I am so glad Anna was not able to see that ."

Emily:" Yeah,  or else this all would  have gotten difficult. "

Susan:" Now I love the way how hateful his eyes become when someone mentions Anna infront of him.-"

*Ding, ding*  *Ting *

Emily:" What's this receiving message at the same time?"

Susan: " let me read, it's from our department,
   Everyone gather in the meeting room, Mr Daniel have a quick announcement to make."

Emily: " i wonder what he will be looking like after kicking his one sided love, hahaha"

Susan :" Hey, don't fun of him,  he is my love now, all mine."

In the meeting room

Mr Daniel:" Good afternoon everyone  i know everyone can't be seated in here, but meeting is short so go with it. Now to the point. You all know recently four people in the company got promotion. One of them was Me Anna,  she is not in here now."

Employee 1 :" So, are we planning surprise for super Anna?"

Employee 2:" I am sure this surprise will be big and she will be so happy."

Employee 3 :" But why only for her others deserve it too. That's not fair."

Employee 4 :" She is loyal to the company, she even most of the time work late hours too."

Susan :" What!! She Loyal?!?! Seriously !"

Bertha : " YES,  ofcourse , she is. Ms whatever you don't even know her."

Susan:" Sorry, correct it she wasss , and I know her all to well, how she used to get Mr Daniel upset."

Bertha:" That's not true."

Mr Daniel:" Excuse me! Don't interrupt me next time. "

Bertha:" Sorry,  Sir."

Mr Daniel:" The reason Ms Anna is not here and you won't be seeing her in the company is, she was fired an hour ago. "

Susan:" gladly."

Bertha:" That's not true, why would she be fired, just after few days of her promotion?"

Mr Daniel:" She was back stabbing me and the company.  I am glad Ms Susan told me, that Ms Anna was going to sell good material to another interview magazine. "

Employee 1 : " that can't be true!"

Mr Daniel:" if i  find anyone of toi doing like her, i won't be hesitant  to fire you, no matter how good you are to the company.."

Employee 3: " Sir, i can't believe she would do something like that.  I mean she will never think about doing it in her wildest dreams.."

Mr Daniel:" Bit seems like she did it. Any questions?"

Emily:" Sir, do you have any idea, why was she doing it? Seems like she used your trust. "

Mr Daniel:" I don't know  and I don't want to talk on this topic anymore."

Susan :" She probably did to make Mr Daniel  feel pathetic. Now because of her Mr Daniel won't even trust us. "

Mr Daniel:" That's not true Me Susan, i trust you all. And i hope i won't find another Ms Anna. Meeting dismissed. "

*back to Anna*

Anna leaves the cemetery and wanders here and there,  then stops at a shop to buy her favourite flavour Ice-cream tub, a Snickers bar and shake to make her feel better.
As she enters her house, she puts the things on kitchen and fish her mobile from purse.

Anna: "  Oh my goodness!! 33 missed calls and 40 MESSAGES all from Bertha. She is probably worried about me, as I didn't met her today."

*Calls Bertha*
What am i gonna tell her??.
For late updates I am sorry.  Don't forget to vote and comment and please let me know how do you like the book so far.

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