The First Interaction

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"Freaking stupid noodle head azz sunlight."

Bending in a weird angle on her king sized bend Moa sighed in satisfaction at the sound of her bones waking up.

Rolling to the edge of her bed rolling over Ping in the process, she fell to the floor with a groan.
Ping jumping into her blanket tangled body with a hiss.

"Ugh, go step on a frigging lego."

Dozing off just to jump up seconds letter with a sound familiar to a pig snorting, she forced her body up. The 2x sized t-shirt falling around her form loosely, they were comfy as fudge, she continued on dragging herself to the window opening the curtains letting in the cursed sun, dust particles could be seen whizzing around.

Arriving at the restroom throwing off her shirt while waiting for the water to get warm.

Closing the glass doors of the shower, Mia felt refreshed walking to her closet choosing from a variety of pant suits. Skirts were a no go don't even get her started on dresses. Picking out a navy blue suit she proceeded to put on her cheeky undergarments and lacy bra. Just because no one got see didn't mean she couldn't dress up for herself.

Grabbing her low wedges she sat at her vanity unwrapping her hair letting the fresh micro braids fall into place, fixing the braids half up she went downstairs wedges in tow, ready to leave. Grabbing her keys and wallet locking the door behind her she got into her car, a beautiful black SUV.

"Hi darling, who's the sexiest car of them all? That's right you are!"

Pressing the start button the car roared to life and with that she was on her way to work.
Mia was lazy but knew she wanted more out of life than her previous situation and in all wanted to be the generation of change for her family and that she did.

Pulling into the parking lot of her firm she wasted no time getting out and locking her car, never one to drag on. Walking into the doors of her accomplishment, Cienza Law Firm Joanne at the front desk greeted her employee.

"Good morning Ms. Cienza"

"Good morning, Mrs. Joanne how are you this morning?"

"Oh, I'm just fine darling thanks for asking. Don't forget that you have an interview today in an hour at 9."

Moa sighed, "Sadly"

"The day will be over before you know it, now go, get! Run the world!"

Laughing at her antics while simultaneously speed-walking as fast as she could away from the cheerful woman. Mornings were defenetly not for her and neither is Joannes singing.

The closing of the elevators doors brought relief to her ears. " I MADE IT."

Stepping from the elevator walking into her office her secretary who seemed to pop out of nowhere greeted her.

"Morning Danny, could you forward the file of the interviewee coming in today I've had yet to look it over."

"Of course M, I'm on it."

"Thanks, Danny."

Moa did well in K-12 graduating with an associates degree in science the same time she finished high school. Going straight into university she majored in Pysch and graduated with a B.S. two years later, finally after debating those two years she decided to go to law school as math wasn't her cup of tea and helping people made her feel the best in her moderate years of life.

Never really finding her reason of being on earth. Don't get her wrong she was blessed to have her family and friends and to be born into a country to get education and have food and shelter but there was always something missing. Something that ticked her nogin everyday that she woke.

Mia's law form was one that sealed with adoptions as well as divorces.

Her parents being young when they got married always seemed to argue in one way or another, sometimes even getting physical. Seeing all of the chaos under one home turned her off to a lot of communication with others of the world. But she never made it obvious her way of thinking being why she she complain when there were others in much worse situations.

The past seemed to collide with the present considering her current job of choice. Always being careful of the cases she took on she took pride in knowing that she made differences in children's lives and toxic relationships of the married. She was fortunate although in her head more unfortunate than anything to be good at her day job which meant more clients which meant more work which in turn created a demand for more workers or at least one cuz sheesh.

Accepting her fate, Mia decided to take on a paralegal to help with the almost overbearing workload of cases.

Sipping her orange juice from her mini-fridge under her desk Mia went through emails to files looking over and highlighting important details for later.

Knocking her from her thoughts, a knock sounded at her office door, none other than Danny sticking her head in announcing the arrival of the interviewee.

"Your interviewee is here, M. And gurl, he like fine-wine."

"Well, fudgenuggets." A crease in her brows, she forgot to look over who exactly it was she was interviewing.

"Send em' in please Danny, thanks."

Danny used to her weird habits simply left doing what asked.

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