Leave me alone

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"..are halogens located on the periodic table?"

I continued to ignore the professor as she droned on and on. Watching the students walk by through the large glass windows of my university calmed me. Laughing and talking with each other, they seemed..happy. Don't get me wrong, today was a very beautiful day. The fall season was starting to make itself known, my favorite season of them all. The sun hid behind the clouds that lay across the sky like a blanket, the wind blowing recently dropped autumn leaves all around. Although beautiful there was talks of rain later, God only knew.

Colorful scarfs and coats decorating the campus correlating with the changing weather.

Bodies of all sizes started to walk past my eyes waking me from my daze, looking around I realized chemistry was over which meant sleepy time for me. Although usually sleepy and cold because of my anemic ass I was giving extra caution vibes today. My period was on, the heaviest of days but was a win in itself. Yay for not being preggers and yay I had a light day tomorrow.

"Don't look so sad, Moa. I'm here now." Said Zokiah, as he came bouncing out of seemingly nowhere.

Smiling lightly at his tall figure looming over me I literally had to crane my neck to meet his honey eyes, but only for a sec. He intimidated me. He was a couple years older than me, just shy a few months of graduating. He was around 6'2, midnight black glossy looking curls that looked weightless. Long pretty eyelashes and sparkling strong white teeth. I loved when boys smiled and their teeth are strong looking and white. One: good hygiene and the other being strength. Lemme just say, what that smile do. Sigh.

Saying a quick bye to my seat mate I picked up my heavily pinned book bag placing it on my back I stood up grabbing on to my pants loops and shimmied my hips and thighs pulling them in rightful position over my stomach. I was petite, told by my doctor that I was a medically a midget standing at 5'2 and a half. The half counts. Weighing 220 I was not skin-ty, I had thick thighs, wide hips, ass, a smegular boob and of course a tummy. Pushing my shoulder length coil behind my ear I pushed in my chair leaving the room knowing Zokiah was right on my tail.

My stomach was hurting and all I wanted to do was eat and sleep I had the munchies. Bad. Stepping onto the pavement I walked alongside Zokiah, his delicious cologne blowing in the fall breeze his height making me feel some type of way, not to mention his steps were probably less than half of his normal ones, keeping pace with me instead.

I was a shy person in general. People terrified me but unfortunately I also seeked comfort in them as well. That goes for the fine asf, educated driven, college-man walking at my pace beside me.

"You okay sweetheart.?" His deep voice shook from my thoughts.

I could feel the blush run through my tan cheeks, my heartbeat rising. Dismissing the last word, he calmed me pet names from time to time, I think it came natural from him. At least from what I saw of him around his associates.

My brown eyes trained in front of me I could feel his gaze on me. Tucking my chin into my neck I pulled my hoodie over my lower face breathing in my Japanese cherry blossom lotion. Ahh. My favorite.

"Yea, I'm good." I responded.

"You sure? You seem quieter than usual. If your not up to it today we don't have to work on the project."

Zokiah was a well known person at my university. Someone I would never talk to out of my own free will but rather admire from afar. It just so happens that he came in late to class one day, the same as I and had no choice but to have each other. Have is a strong word, more like he knew a numerous amount of people in the psych class but picked me? I don't know, I'm just glad he isn't all show. He was smart a man I realized the more we worked on the project, very sweet and understanding.

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