xx. phone call.

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phone call.
" a dirty bitch like you. "

incoming call from unknown!
accept | decline

( adella.
unknown. )


"hi is this adella sánchez?"

"it is, who's speaking?"

"oh, it's just the girl your one true love cheated on you with. guess you weren't good enough for him."

"excuse me? if this some sort of prank call, it's not fucking funny."

a laugh is heard from the other end of the phone.

"no, hon. i'm afraid this is very real. i just thought i'd let you know that he didn't think once about you the night you found out and all the other times, especially when he was in my bed. i guess you're getting too inexperienced to satisfy him."

"how did you get my number?"

"chris has never been the safest with his phone, c'mon adella you know this. i thought i might snatch up your number because i knew this would happen; him chasing after the poor broken spanish girl with alcoholic issues."

adella's voice catches in her throat at the anonymous persons words.

"you don't know a fucking thing about me.  i don't know who this is but you better stay out the way; we've been through hell and back together so if you think a dirty bitch like you can get between us again, you are very wrong."

"oh so she can talk. well, you better watch out sweetie. take care."

phone call ended after 04:45 seconds.

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