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Andy Pov


I grab Sam's hand. I see him twitch but he doesn't move. I can tell the drugs haven't worn off yet so I just sit in silence holding his hand with mine. I feel my eyes getting heavy and I sit back in the chair and relax. I feel myself drifting to sleep.


Sams Pov

I wake up with a little headache. I am in an unfamiliar room. I look to my right ad see Andy sitting in a wheelchair sleeping. She has a death grip on my hand and it's throbbing. "McNally, Andy, Andy McNally," I say her name repeatedly but she just stirs. I give it one more try because I can see her drifting into reality. "McNally" I whisper yell. She is jolted awake and she looks at me and smiles.


Andy's pov

I am jolted awake by Sam yelling my name. I look at him and smile. "Hi," I say in a low and emotional voice

"How are you"

"I'm great, welcome back to reality"

"How are you feeling McNally? Are you okay? I was worried but they wouldn't let me see you after my surgery."

"I'm better now that I'm with you." I can feel a smile spread across my face. Sam grabs my hands. I tell him everything that happened and all the updates. After sitting together for a while people start creeping in. In about 10 minutes everyone who means the world to us is here. We are all sitting around on beds and chairs. Gail makes fun of Chloe and everyone laughs. It feels like forever all of us sitting together.


Traci gets up and Jerry picks sleeping Leo up. Traci hugs me from behind and squeezes. "don't have too much fun without me here."

"Come on Trac. Don't leave now."

"Listen here lady" she whispers in my ear. "Some of us have to work tomorrow."

She slips out around sleeping Oliver. Dov wheels Chloe away, and Chris helps Oliver out. Gail unlocks the chair and wheels me over to the bed. She helps me in and then makes the curtains open so Sam and I can see each other.


3 am

I wake up sweaty and hot. I try to sit up but it hurts. I call for Sam. "Sam Sam Sam" after a few times he sits up. "Andy what's wrong."

"I had a nightmare. I don't know what it was about but I'm terrified." I take a deep breath and look over at Sam. He throws the blankets off him and groans. He slowly sits up and grovels over to my bed. I look at him and smile. "Are you going to make room for me or not?" I laugh and move over enough for both of us to fit. I snuggle my chest into his. Within minutes Sam is snoring. I nuzzle into him a little more and drift asleep.


7 am

The nurse comes in with breakfast. She comes close to the bed and calls my name. I open my eyes and see Sam drooling next to me. I laugh and the nurse helps me sit up. "Officers I can move the beds closer together so you have more space."

"That would be great," Sam says in his morning husky voice. "If you can believe it, she's a bed hog." The nurse laughs. She takes 2 platters of food and sets them on a tray. Eggs and bacon, if you guys have any other problems or need just ring. "Before you leave Nurse." "Yes Officer Swarek"

"Oh yeah, there's something wrong with this bacon, I think you need to call a Hambulance." I burst out laughing. "Sam that joke wasn't funny when I was a Rookie, and nothing changed." The nurse slips out while Sam continues to make little jokes.

"Laughter! Everything is well" Oliver is standing in the doorpost. "Sammy I need to ask a favor."

"Hit me"

"Okay Sammy so" Oliver moves closer right next to the bed. "Chloe ate all my bacon, and Celery said I couldn't have hers. So I want your's brother."

Sam grabs his breakfast tray and holds it close.

"You can have mine, Oliver." I laugh and hand the napkin wrapped bacon. Oliver grabs it and bows to me. He shuffles back to his room in his open back gown and sticky socks. I look back at Sam. He is taking a bit of bacon. I Turn to him and rip the bacon out of his mouth. I turn and shove it in my mouth before he can get it. We fight and makeup. By then he's being dragged away for pt and I am going too.



Sam and I got out of PT around lunchtime and we've been playing board games since. We finished our dinner and Sam is rambling about the mashed potatoes. Oliver walks in. "Am I interrupting brotha?"

"Oliver my man, come in."

"Sammy. Andy, I come to say goodbye. A broken rib, stitches and a minor concussion is only a 1-day trip. I am being released to the wild. I do bear gifts though." From behind his back, Oliver pulls out a police scanner, chocolate and a framed picture of him. "For you my dear Andy because you gave me your bacon, you receive and a picture of me, you also get chocolate. The scanner is also for you my dear, so you and the bacon stealer, Samantha can forget about hospital things and get it on the action. Sammy the only thing your getting is a kiss from your brother from anotha motha." Oliver plants his lips right onto Sam's forehead. He twirls away and waves.

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