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I hear the alarm go off in the bedroom for the 3rd time. I am sitting on the island drinking coffee. We have to leave in 15 minutes. I take a final sip of coffee before dumping the cup down the drain. I walk into the bedroom to see Sam still in bed. I jump on the bed and sit on his hips. He groans and pushes me off of him. He gets on top of me and kisses me softly.

"McNally lets stay home for a few more days." I look up at him pouty and shake my head.

"No, Sam we have to go back we haven't been out of this house in a week. I need to work. I need this and I am not going in without you." I sit up and shove him off me. I get off the bed and grab Sam's hands. He squeezes and I drag him off the bed. He is sitting on the floor. I turn around and get clothes out of the drawer for him. I help him get undressed like a big baby. He kisses me as I help him put his shirt on. I pull him up to his feet so he can jump into his jeans. He leans against the door as I make the bed.

I slip Sam's leather jacket on and get the keys. On the way to the station, I stop at 7/11. Sam runs in and gets 2 sandwiches. I take a bite and drive away. By the time we're at the station, the sandwiches are gone. I pull up next to Oliver. He hops out of the car and I see him stand behind the truck. Sam gets out of the car and I jump out of the seat. I come around to the back. Sam swings his hand around my shoulders. Oliver, Sam, and I walk in.

Sam and I get thrown into hugs and conversations. Traci drags me away. As we walk to the locker room we have a minor chat. I get into my uniform and Traci offers to braid my hair.

"So Andy, how was your week, I haven't seen you since the party."

"I'm great Traci. Sam and I have been spending a lot of time in bed if you know what I mean." We both laugh. Gail comes in and looks miserable.

"Gail are you hungover?" I laugh and look at her. Traci finishes my hair and pats my back. I play with it and thank her.

Sam peaks his head in and announces that role call is in 10.

"You guys should leave now, Andy's pretty slow, she's had an exhausting break." He winks at me and slips his head out. I hear him yell "Jerry" and his footsteps get lighter. 

We leave the locker room. I take a seat in the back of the Parade room. Traci is working on a case, a double homicide so she isn't in the parade room. Sam walks in and sits next to me. I put my hand on his leg and squeeze so he squirms. I laugh as I flail my legs.

Sarg stands at the podium and reads assignments. I am riding with Gail. Which means I will need a lot of coffee.

Oliver stands up. "Also make sure you give McNally and Swarek a big hug for coming back to work today!" He struts to the back of the parade room and grabs Sams and my arm and flails them in the air. Everyone is clapping and banging on the tables.

I blush and stand up.

"It's nice to be back. Thank you." I hop back on the table. Sarg yells that we are dismissed.

I slip into the lounge and get some coffee before meeting Gail in the sally port. She throws me the keys as I hop into the squad. Today Is going to be a great day. I can feel it.

******** the end *********

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