3: Intrusion

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(Thank you again to all of you who have been reading! I'm happy to see people are enjoying this story so far.
All I'm gonna say is, pancake-kun is ruthless xD )

It didn't even hurt.

I'd spent so much of my childhood in isolation, under the trigger happy hand of my abusive step father, that limping on my broken foot didn't hurt a single bit. It was numb, just like the rest of me had learned to become during those times when Shido was mad.

Once we returned to outside Sojiro-san's house, the fear of my well being immediately flooded in from the group.

"Ren, he needs a hospital. I'll call an ambulance." Makoto was the first to take out her phone. Damn these kids and their caring natures'.

I took a deep breath, centering myself and preparing to act through my mask.

"P-please..." I muttered softly, making sure I covertly placed a small amount of weight on my foot to ensure my voice sounded tired and pained.

"I can't..go right now..haaaa..." I let out an anguished breath, placing my hand to my face to wipe away sweat. I made sure I leant on Ren more for support.

"You can't?" Yusuke and Mona both questioned in unison. I could feel the heat of their group of gazes on me.

Now was my time to shine. I made sure to glance at their leader: my most prized target. I swallowed nervously.

"Ren.." I gave him an anxious look, pleading with him to understand that due to my involvement with the police, I couldn't just walk into a hospital.

I mean, in all honesty it was a total lie. The only person who couldn't know I was in a hospital was Shido. But this lie worked perfectly.


"I understand. You can stay at my place; I know someone who can help."

Bingo. I had him wrapped around my finger.

Ann frowned worriedly.

"Are you sure? He's badly hurt..."

My knight in shining armour nodded sternly. He shifted his arm to resposition his hold on me.

"I've got it. I'll touch base with you tomorrow."

From there, Ren nodded to me, before beginning to lead me back to the Cafe. I limped weakly and, unbeknownst to the man who helped me walk, continued to graze my broken foot on the ground to slow myself down. No pain, no gain, after all.

Just as we got inside, well past midnight by now, the rain started to come down.

Perfect. All according to plan.


The bell above the door rang in the ominous silence of the cafe as we entered. Ren continued to lead me inside.

"It's going to be difficult to get him upstairs." Mona mumbled as he walked in ahead of Ren.

"I have an idea."

I really hadn't intended on getting so close so quickly. I glanced the set of booth seats to my left; if I could manage to sleep on one of those for the night, I'd have free range to snoop around the main floor of LeBlanc.

"O-oh that's okay..I can just stay down here for the night." I smiled weakly, attempting to turn on my charm to keep the situation in my favour.

"You're hurt. You should rest somewhere more comfortable." Ren didn't give in so easily. He lead me to the stairs, then knelt down infront of me, offering his hands behind his back.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Where stories live. Discover now