12: Vulnerable

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Dark Sun

Whenever you rise

Day turns to night

Dark Sun

Your rays paralyze

The beating wing in flight

Dreamers in midstride

Dark Sun

Wherever you shine

Eyes turn to stone

Dark Sun

The fate of the blind

And now I'm all alone...

In my starless mind...

(Ren's P.O.V)

"I---I've got it..." Akechi pushed against my chest, trying to separate from me.

I looked down to see that despite how exhausted he looked, he was still determined to do it all on his own. I loosened my grip.

"I'm behind you if you need me."

He pushed off from me roughly, stumbling forward. Quietly I grabbed onto the back edge of his blazer, holding it incase he fell forward even more.

"I'm fine, Amamiya-kun. Dont let me...take your time..."

"I would do this for any of my friends. I want to make sure you get into bed okay."

Akechi wavered as he pushed open his door. I held out my arms in the space around him, walking awkwardly to try and catch him if he fell again. He stumbled once more onto his bed without incident.

"Haaa....haaaa...." The normally charming Detective Prince was panting softly, shivering even as his skin radiated heat. I took the duvet and placed it over him, then escaped to his bathroom to get a cold wet cloth.

"This might help.."

I held out the cloth to him, unsure if touching him too much would just upset him. But as he turned onto his side to face me, I could see him squeezing his eyes shut tight. His cheeks were awash in bright red.

I sat down beside his bed and placed a hand to his forehead.

"You're fever is so high.." I frowned and placed the cloth on his forehead. I didn't feel right leaving him alone like this.

A pang of worry and sadness stung at my chest as I watched him suffer through his sickness. In the silence of the apartment, all I could wonder was how the Detective Prince always seemed to turn up with bad luck. No matter how much passion he had, he always seemed to suffer for it.

Subconsciously, I brought a finger to his cheek, stroking his skin lightly.

"Why do you run yourself so ragged..." I mumbled under my breath. It was more of a statement of curiosity to myself then a real question to him. But when he responded, I was surprised.

"I----have to...haaa.."

I blinked. Huh?

"I can't...prove myself...if I d-don't..."

I put a hand under my chin, leaning on it and watching him from my spot beside his bed. I stroked his cheek again with my finger.

"Who do you have to prove yourself to?"


He groaned softly, shaking his head lightly through the fever.


Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Where stories live. Discover now