17: What Have I Done?

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(Surprise! Two chapters in one day xD
This was so good I just couldn't stop writing! Just be prepared, it gets gooood. :3 (I thought so anyway lol)

And just remember, for everyone like me who loves Persona down to the last detail, details are changed a bit to adhere to my fic :D )

(Ren.s P.O.V)

It had only been a few days that I was in custody so far. I'd done a number interviews with the police, and had grown to understand how truly corrupt they were. I was beaten, drugged, and yelled at constantly. Kicked, punched, you name it...

But still, even as they pressured me more and more, I refused to give up my friends.

I would never give up Akechi, either. No matter if he was the true culprit or not, I had promised myself one thing.

I would take away his pain permanently. And no amount of abuse from him could make me change my mind about that.

Finally, relief came on the fourth day.


I looked up as I heard the familiar opening of the interrogation room door. Despite how sore I was all over, and how oddly clear I felt with the recent shot of truth serum stirring in my veins, I was surprised to see her as she walked in.

Sae Niijima.

My heart began to pound. This was it.

She was the one I knew I could trust.


(Hours later)

The drugs were wearing off. My state of mind was clouded, even as I spoke to Sae.

She suddenly stood up from her chair, slamming her hands on the table.

"Please!!" She yelped sporatically, knocking me out of my memories as they were slowly returning to me.

" I need you to be clear with me! Who am I supposed to show this phone to!?"

I stared at her through misty, unfocused eyes. My consciousness continued to wane.

This was important, Ren. Get a hold of yourself.

"....not....a teammate."

Sae sat down in confusion, putting her hand to her chin.

"Not a teammate?"

Realisation sparked in her mind. Her eyes widened.

"My god.." She stared at me in disbelief.

"You're referring to him, aren't you?"

I put my hand to my forehead as I continued to work to keep my thoughts clear and concise.

"You need to trust me..."

She sighed, still contemplating the truth behind what I was trying to tell her.

"What are you plotting? I can't even begin to fathom it.." Sae's voice was unsure. The truth truly was hard to swallow.

She glanced at the phone, seeing the time on it's screen.

"But it appears my time is up. This is as far as our conversation can go."

With a dissapointed frown, she looked down.

"This will be my last involvement with this case..."

"Heh..." She scoffed.

"Very well. I've listened to your whole story, so I may as well play along to the end." Her eyes met mine and her expression perked up.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Where stories live. Discover now