24: Destruction Pt. 1

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(New Chapter!! I apologise for the delay in this one. I didn't realise finishing Persona 5 Royal would be so devastating xD It actually hindered my progress on this chapter for a few days.
Besides that, this chapter may be confusing! I wanted you to experience many points of view and different sections of time for this fight, as I am setting up for some very specific situations to occur ;")

But fear not. Chapter 25 will be out soon, and it'll wrap everything up for us ;3

Finally! Just one last note. This chapter is absolutely rated mature. Anyone who wanted more smut, I got you xD )


Dark Sun

You shone like a threat


to strike

Dark Sun

But somehow you fed

My hunger for a life

Not ruled by your night


(Akechi P.O.V)

I still wanted it.

Control, manipulation, the ability to squeeze something so tight, it slipped through my fingers and perished.

But why? I had snuffed out the lives of so many, and Shido was my final mission. It was over, I was done.

Yet, as I walked up the stairs quietly behind Ren, the two of us soaking from the rain, my heart still yearned for more.

I wanted control.

I needed control.

Before I knew it, I was in the attic of LeBlanc. Nothing mattered to me except the itch I needed so desperately to relieve. I clenched my fist as I stared relentlessly at Ren, trying to will the dark side of my mind not to do this.

But I couldn't. The ache was so desperate.

Without even a moment of clarity in my head, I grabbed him and pulled him to me, planting a bruising kiss on his lips. In one fell swoop I shoved him backwards and we both toppled to the floor.

"Akech---i--" Ren gasped into my mouth, but I intensified the kiss to keep him quiet.

I wasn't thinking as I began pulling off his shirt and pants.


(Ren's P.O.V)


It was as if he was on autopilot. His touch was rough, his body language was irritated. He hardly looked at me.

I knew what he was holding back, but it was so gravely personal for him, I was convinced he wouldn't speak a word about it. Even if I asked.

This was the only way he could show me how truly volatile his emotions were.

With a heavy grunt, he plunged deeper inside; my head craning back in both pleasure and pain as I breathed a soft gasp. In seconds he pulled back and rocked into me again; I was gritting my teeth as my eyes rolled into the back of my skull.

I had never felt so much passion inside of so much torment.

My mind was in limbo; at the edge of a knife. So close to breaking skin, but just as close to pulling away.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Where stories live. Discover now