Chapter 10 : Strawberry Tart

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Chapter 10 : Strawberry Tart

I walk into the courtyard near the Salon Marie to meet up with the guys. I see them as I turn to the park bench to see them waiting for me. They look in my direction as I step closer. Kashino and Andou are standing while Hanabusa is stilling on the bench leaving space for me to sit down. 

"You can take a seat if you'd like." Andou states 

"Sure, thanks for waiting for me." I thank them as I sit next to Hanabusa. I look at them as they looked concerned for me. "What's wrong?" I ask

"Well, after we talked in class and when we were in the hallway. We -" Andou started 

"A-hem" Kashino coughs

"I mean Hanabusa and I were concerned about the strain it might have left and we didn't want you to be hurt or anything- " He starts panicking a little be not knowing what to say 

"What Andou is trying to say" Hanabusa backs him up "Is that we just don't want you to get the wrong idea." 

"Wrong idea about what? That we are concerned about Amano?" Kashino scoffs 

"Kashino!" Hanabusa shouts "That's enough. Didn't we plan to talk to Ayano-chan calmly?" Hanabusa stands up 

"Hanabusa getting riled up infront of Saga-san isn't going to help." Andou points out. The three of them look back at me almost ashamed. 

I smile at them, "It's okay, I know you guys are worried about Ichigo-chan. Why would I be hurt over that? You guys have known her longer than I have. I'm ready to answer all of your questions about me being suspicious." I tell them 

They look at each other almost shocked. Then Kashino starts "Why are you so close to Amano?" 

"Kashino!" Hanabusa shouts 

"It's okay, Hanabusa-kun. Will you guys promise to keep this a secret from Ichigo-chan?" I ask them

"Depends." Kashino says 

"Kashino, you're going too far." Andou states as he turns to him. 

"Ichigo-chan and I met when we we're kids. My father and I loved desserts as much as we liked to create them, but none tasted like Madame Amano Michiko's desserts. There was something about them my father and I could not forget. I would always go with my father to Madame Michiko's pastry shop frequently to buy their desserts and that's how I met Ichigo-chan." 


"Papa! Look it's a strawberry tart!" A little Ayano-chan squealed as she pointed at the glistening strawberry tart. She tugged at her fathers pants to catch his attention. 

"Yes. Yes. That is Madame Michiko's newest creation." He kneels and looks at the strawberry tart. 

"I made it for my granddaughter who is about the same age as you." Michiko-san smiles at Ayano. 

The door swings open to reveal Ichigo-chan rush through the door to give her grandmother a big hug. 

"Newest creation... Granddaughter." Ayano looks in awe at the tart and the girl Michiko-san was holding in her arms.  

The door swings open again. "W-Wait Ichigo!" The woman pants at the door frame. She catches her breath. 

"Are you alright Komani-san?" Michiko-san asks with a sweat drop. 

"Yeah, kids have a lot of energy these days." She regains her posture and walks into the pastry shop. 

"Oba-chan! I want cake!" Ichigo squeals. 

"Yes, of course Ichigo. Which cake would you like?" 

"Strawberry Tart!" She exclaims 

"Would you like one as well Komani-san? Thank you for always taking care of my granddaughter." She thanks her. 

"No problem. I've been coming more and more since Natsume had a recital out of town and Kyouko-san went with her. And her father has work as well." She sits down one of the tables. 

"May I please have a strawberry tart as well?" Ayano-chan asks her father. 

"No problem." Her father responds. 

Michiko-san puts Ichigo-chan down as she prepares the strawberry tarts. Ichigo notices Ayano-chan and walks up to her and holds her hand out. 

"Hello! My name is Amano Ichigo! Nice to meet you!" She exclaims 

Ayano shyly puts her hand out to shake hers. "Saga Ayano. Nice to meet you as well." 

"How old are you?" She asks me 

"I am 7 years old." 

"I am 7 years old too! When is your birthday?" 

"January 2nd" 

"Mine is on January 5th! That means you are older than me." She grins. 

Ayano nods agreeing with her. 

"Are you going to eat the strawberry tart?" She asks Ayano 

"Yeah." Ayano responds 

Ichigo smiles. "That tart has magical powers!" She points at the strawberry tarts in the display case. 

Ayano perks up a bit. "Magical powers?" 

She nods "Magical powers! As soon as you take a bite, all the sad feelings go away." Ichigo says as she uses her hands to express the sad feelings leaving her. 

Ayano looks in awe. "Wow..." 

"Would you like to try it?" Michiko-san kneels as she gives her the strawberry tart package. 

"Oh I don't know. That's a lot of sweets for today." Her father states standing up. 

"I will save this one for home. And I will eat one now!" Ayano-chan states 

Her father sweatdrops as he looks at the determined look on his daughters face to eat the tart. "Okay. But can you promise me no more sweets for today?" He holds out his pinky to Ayano-chan 

"I promise" She hooks her pinky onto his. He stands up and goes to pay for the strawberry tarts as Michiko-san puts the two tarts on the table for Ayano-chan and Ichigo-chan.

The two girls sit on the chairs and say. "Itadakimasu!" 

Ayano-chan takes a bite and drops her fork. 

"Ayano?" Her father looks back at her. 

She smiles. "Delicious."

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