boyf riends-spiderman AU

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I saw this post on tumblr and thought it was adorable so here goes nothing

Jeremy's PoV
It was an exhausting day. I just wanted to go in my room and sleep in peace. So I opened my window from outside and climbed inside. I crawled over the ceiling to quietly close the door. It became a routine to me, so I successfully quietly stood on the floor. At least, until I heared some crash behind me. "What was that?", dad yelled from the kitchen. "That's... nothing!", I replied, while I turned around quickly, just to see michael staring at me, who just dropped his controller. "You're that spider-guy! From YouTube!", he whisper-yelled. I pressed the button on my chest, so the suit would get loose and panicked. "What? No, I'm not!", I said and quickly kicked the suit away, only to turn around quickly to my dad opening the door. "I really suck in the kitchen, let's grab pizza, Michael, you want some, too?", he asked. I thought about telling him, that Michael should go home but I preferred him around.

Here's the thing: I never had secrets from michael. That changed in 7th grade. The year I realized I was bisexual and had the biggest crush on him. Then the whole Spider-Man thing... part of me was glad, he found out. I felt like I would be lying to him all the time. First with christine last year and then this whole stark internship.
"I'm not that hungr-", micheal started, but I interrupted him, saying "we're sharing one, thanks dad." "Alright. Maybe put on a shirt." "Comes from the guy without pants!", I yelled back, but didn't get an answer. I turned back around to see michael giving me a weird stare. "Why didn't you tell me? Don't you trust me?", he whispered. "No! That's not what it's about! It's just that everyone who knows could be in danger!", I said, grabbing a shirt and sweatpants from the closet and putting them on. "It's not like... potential villains would go like 'ah, shit, we can't attack him, he doesn't know'. But if you would've told me, I could have been prepared! Also this is the coolest thing that ever happened to me!", Michael said. "You're right, but- I just want to keep you save, michael. I couldn't ever forgive myself if anything happened to you because of me!" I sighed and looked at my feet, a blush creeping at me cheeks. I felt Michael taking my hands in his and looked back up at him. "I can take care of myself. Don't worry too much about me, jeremy. I'll be fine", he said and gave me that look. He looks like that when he talks about the things he's passionate about. I caught him a few times looking at me, when he didn't know I was seeing him. But he never looked me in the eyes with that look.
I just smiled at him and rested my head at his shoulder. "What would I ever do without you, Michael?", I whispered, more to myself. "Let's break it, you would definitely be dead", michael replied and I could almost hear his grin in his smile. "You're right. I'm... so tired, micha". "Let's get you to bed, then", he said and led me to my bed, "I guess I'm going home then." But before he could leave, I grabbed his wrist. "Stay with me?" Michael smiled at me softly and layed down next to me. I moved closer to him, my head on his shoulder again, my arms around his waist. "Sing for me?", I asked him quietly. Silence. It took a few seconds, until Michael started to sing quietly "hey there delilah, what's it like in New York city?" Slowly I drifted away with a small smile on my face. I still felt his fingers going through my hair and heard him say "I love you, Jeremy heere. spider-guy or not", until I completely fell asleep

When Mr. Heere came into the room with the pizzas, he saw his son in the other boy's arms, still going through his hair and singing again, more to himself now, though. Jeremy was asleep and Michael too focused on the boy, to see Mr. Heere giving them a loving gaze, before he left again and close the door behind him. It has always been obvious to him, that the boys like each other and he was happy for them, even if he wished, to have someone, who loves him as much for himself. But if Jeremy was happy, so would he be, for him.
And Michael? Michael smiled at the boy lying on his shoulder and in his arms. He looked so peaceful there. Like everything was alright, just for a minute. It felt so right, so natural to have him this close. Like this was what they were supposed to do. And Michael adored everything about this. This feeling, this atmosphere, this boy. He loved this boy and everything about him. Jeremy was everything to Michael and Michael was everything to Jeremy. And this moment made Michael realize that, no matter what, it was always just the two of them in the end.
Michael was in thoughts so deep with Jeremy, that he didn't realize, that someone was watching them...

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