boyf riends - parents

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Michael's PoV

I heared many stories about kids having toxic relationships with their parents. Or their parents not understanding, what they need, not validating them and being there for them. Jake's parents, for example, who didn't take care of him enough. I always tried helping them out with their situation, telling them I'd be there for them.

It was the worst, when Jeremy's parents started to fight most of the time but didn't get a divorce because of him. He came over at mine a lot. I either listened to him and comfortable him or just distracted Jeremy. He started to get more clingy which I didn't mind. I just hugged him back and told him, that everything would be okay. We grew a lot closer during that time. It was fine.

Until, one day I got a call. I remember how he told me, it would be worse than usually and it was about him. Je didn't dare coming over, which confused me but I only said "I'm over in 10."

I climbed in to his room through the window. Jeremy didn't even give me the chance to come in properly, but threw his arms around my neck and sobbed into my hoodie. "Hey, it's okay,  it's okay. What's it about?", I asked and tried to blend out the yelling from outside the room. "I think mom knows a secret", he just mumbled. I assumed, he didn't want to tell me and even though it hurt me, that he kept secrets from me, i didn't say anything about it. "Don't listen to her, jere. Hey, you know what, let's go to the mall this weekend!", I said, trying to distract him. Jeremy smiled and nodded, still curled up against me. "That would be amazing, michael", he said. I made a funny face at him which made him laugh quietly, just before he buried his face in my chest

I think, that was, when it hit me. I already knew I was gay for quite a long time but I never thought, I'd like Jeremy in that way. But it made sence to me. So I just ran my fingers through his hair, thinking about this.

A week and a half later. Jeremy has been over some times. I noticed more details about him, that I loved more and more every day. Jeremy just left, leaving me here, alone with my thoughts. And they were truly exhausting.  I sighed and sank down on my bed, hugging my knees.

My head shot up, when I felt a hand around my shoulders, pulling me closer to someone. I let go of my knees, sunk into the hug and cried silently. "What's wrong, sweetheart?", mom asked, letting me cry into her shirt. "It's... Jeremy", I said, wiping away some tears with the sleeve of my arm. "Jeremy hurt you?", she asked with anger in her voice. "Jeremy hurt micha?", mama asked from the door. She sat down in front of me, taking my hand.

One thing you should know: my moms both are giving me a lot of freedom and let me do most things. But when it comes to someone hurting me, they get super protective. Honestly, I can be scared even sometimes and they're my moms.

So I quickly said: "Nonono! I mean yes but it's not his fault. I just... urgh I don't know, I mean", I stuttered out and fidgeted with my fingers. I saw the knowingly look my moms exchanged and wish, I could sink in the ground. I loved my mothers and we had a really healthy relationship. But this was embarrassing. "It's okay, Michael. You're gonna be fine, I promise", mama said and slightly smiled at me. "How about we're making a family night! Let's watch moana!", mom said. I didn't really feel like it but agreed. It would make them happy and I guess some distraction wouldn't be as bad.

"No, hear me out, Moana is a lesbian!", mom said. "Where does she ever have any romantic interest? She is more likely aro/ace", mama shot back at her. I rolled my eyes and grinned at the two. That was the second worst thing by having lesbian moms: they would always fight about the sexuality about people, especially fictional characters, if they weren't confirmed. They sometimes would find an agreement (for example was elsa homoromantic asexual to both after nearly a month of discussion) but sometimes it would get annoying. "Mom, I'm trying to watch the movie", I interrupted their discussion. It didn't last for long, so I just ignored it as well as I could.

I only realized I slept in at the couch, when mama woke me up, saying Jeremy was in the driveway. I quickly tried to sort my hair and put on my glasses, lucky I slept in quite normal clothes. Just seconds after my mom warned me, the doorbell rang and she opened. "Jeremy?", she whispered, letting him pass. He just ran towards me and sank down in my arms. Mama and me exchanged a confused look, as he sobbed, hugging me tightly.

Only a little later, we sat in my room Jeremy still in my arms. "They're doing it and I don't know where I'll stay and mom is gonna move to South Carolina and I don't wanna move with her", he cried out. Jeremy held my hoodie tightly in his fingers but slowly looked up at me. "I don't want to be away from you", he whispered. I slightly panicked because first, he couldn't leave and second, because he was so close to me. But I decided to go for it. So I put my hand on his cheek and replied with a quiet: "I don't want you to leave either." Jeremy leaned a little into my hand and gazed into my eyes. "I don't know how but it's okay. With you, everything just seems okay", he said, moving closer to me, until I felt his breath on my face. I blushed but leaned in too. I felt like there was a rush going through my veins and a firework exploding into my stomach. And he felt the same way. He didn't tell me. I just knew. And I knew, that he knew, how I felt. And it felt like the world stopped and we were kissing fir minutes, when, in reality, it was only a peck. We both blushed deeply red and looked at each other, until we started to laugh. Jeremy grabbed my collar and pulled me into an actual kiss this time. I grinned and kissed him back, my hand in his hair, pulling him even more towards me.

It ended in us laying on the bed together, my head resting on his chest and my arm around his waist, while he played with my hair. No one said anything but it was okay. We didn't need to say anything. It was good, the way it was. Jeremy's parents didn't matter for this moment.

"No, I think, he made a pretty good job, cheering him up", mom grinned, looking at us. we were just walking downstairs and held hands. I turned red and hissed a "mom!" at her. She laughed and tried fixing my hair a little, but I  just pulled away from her and went through my hair myself, seeing Jeremy doing the same with a red face, looking to the floor. "I just wanted to say, that I'm walking Jeremy home", I mumbled and pushed him to the door, away from my moms. "How romantic", mama said. I could already hear the grin in her voice. "My moms are so embarrassing, honestly", I hissed. I closed the door behind us. Jeremy chuckled and just took my hand again. We walked back at his home in silence.

"Don't you want to stay for a minute?", he asked, "I don't really want to face my parents alone..." "Of course!", I answered. I was kinda disappointed, when he let go of my hand, but I understood it. "Hey mom", Jeremy mumbled and dragged me to his room. "Thanks, dude", he said and leaned against me. "Don't 'dude' me 15 minutes after we snuggled in my bed", I laughed. He blushed a little. "Should I better call you babe~", he joked. "Better, yeah", I said grinning and pecked him on the lips, laughing about how flustered he got. "So we are a thing? Like you're my boyfriend?", he asked. "If you want that, of course", I said.

I got home nearly two hours later. Mom just said "didn't know he moved to the next town, so you had to walk that long" and smirked. "So is he your boyfriend or what?", she asked. "Well yes", I said and grinned to myself. "Heck yeah!", she cheered and kissed my forehead. "That does not mean, it's okay you stayed away that long. Next time at least text us, when you stay at Jeremy's", she said with a warning undertone, "I'm not saying, you couldn't stay there but we want to know, if you're at your boyfriend's or if you may have been kidnapped." "Alright, alright! Can I go back to my room now?", I asked. "Yeah, whatever", mom said and I ran to my room, to see the new message.
I'm staying with dad!
I smiled and pressed the phone to my chest. Everything was just fine.

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