boyf riends - pen pals (pt1)

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Jeremy's PoV

I considered myself a bad writer. I was good at some things, probably. But writing wasn't one of them. So I never wrote, really. No diary, no short stories, no letters.
That was, until our school decided, to make a project: pen pals. Every student of junior year would have a pen pal from some other high school in New York. I was utterly anxious. Still, I told myself to at least try one letter. So I started writing

Hey pen pal
How are you?
I already apologize for my writing skills, I don't have them, actually. My name is Jeremy. I live in a small house with my dad. My mom left quite some time ago, before you ask. I'm in junior year of high school, I think, so are you? I don't know how this works, really. I like playing video games, especially retro games. Pretty lame, eh?

I stopped, unsure what to say next. It wasn't an ending of a letter but I didn't know what to say, really. I thought a while, before I wrote:

What kinda stuff are you into? I hope you're having a nice day

I looked at the paper, being satisfied with myself. It wasn't great but it should work out fine. I just hoped, they would be nice

Michael's PoV

Despite everyone being annoyed by the pen pal project, I was kinda excited. It could be a great chance to get to know amazing people! Chloe just rolled her eyes at me, saying it wouldn't last more than a month either way. But I stayed optimistic.
Our teacher and the teacher from New Jersey chose the pen pals together, so maybe it would even create a great friendship! And today, we would get our first letters.
Mrs Thamden gave everyone their letter and I immediately read it.

Jeremy sounded like a pretty cool person. He was into retro games too! Also, he seemed to be nice in general. So I replied as soon as I could.

Jeremy's PoV

We got responses a little over a week later. I put the letter in my pocket and didn't think about it, until I was home

Dude, no way you're into retro games?! That's so cool! I probably spend all my free time on them.
You probably want to know a little about me too, so here we go:
My name is michael mell. Yes, I am also a junior in high school. I'm really into retro stuff. My favorite musician is marley, he's so good, check him out! I really like to sing and play the guitar though.
Sorry to hear that your mom left. But it's cool, that you live with your dad. I never had one, but it's chill. Mom likes to joke, that we would have more money, if they were men, because of the gender pay gap. Mama gets upset then, sometimes. But they barely fight, really. I've only see them fight once and it didn't last over two hours.
I'm drifting off tho, sorry.
Make yourself a nice day, Jeremy

I smiled to myself. Michael seemed really sweet.
Four months went by like this. I got to know him better and better, even though I rarely talked about myself. I was anxious, he wouldn't actually like me, when he got to know me properly.
And it was fine like this, until he mentioned in a letter, that he wants to get to really know me better.

A little voice inside my head told me, to wring him a five page essay, another one said, I should write just a note and my phone number, so we could text. I decided, I would be more comfortable to text him, so I just wrote a few sentences and my phone number. It was totally normal to give another guy your phone number in a totally platonic and straight way.

Why won't you text or call me then?

That was all the note said. I was nervous for the next days. Rich would always try to distract me, but I barely even listened to him.

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