boyf riends - Soulmate AU

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Michael's PoV
"Dude, you're getting your soul mark tomorrow! Of course I'd stay up", Rich said. "But what if I don't? What if I'm one of the few who don't get a soulmark?", I asked, "I mean who would ever love me for me, huh?" "Aw, I'm completely sure you'll get one! I mean you got it all! You're caring, funny, intelligent and super hot! If I didn't have Jake, I'd totally hit on you", he laughed. "Thanks, man. I guess you can just call me then? If I'm still awake myself", I said and chuckled to myself, as Rich complained about, how I had to stay awake. When we walked outside the school, Jake was already waiting there. "What's up?", he asked his fake-angry boyfriend. "Michael said, he wouldn't stay awake for his soulmark!", Rich said and glared at me. I just grinned and said: "that and your boyfriend thinks I'm hot." Jake laughed and we went to his car. "I'll just drop you off at your house, aight?", Jake said, before he got in his car. I turned around a last time. I almost already knew, that this boy would be standing there.

His name was Jeremy, he was in my grade but we've never talked. Jeremy was tall, skinny and has brown, fluffy-looking hair. He was usually by himself or with christine and quite awkward around other people. I talked to christine a few times, she was nice. I thought the two were dating, which completely sucked. See, I have a small crush on him. But there's no way he was into guys even, especially me.

"Mikey, are you coming or do you wanna keep staring at the tall-ass?", rich chuckled. "Sorry, I'm coming", I said quickly and got into the car. "And don't call him that he has a name", I quietly said, sitting down on the backseat. "I don't know his name", rich said, shrugging his shoulders, "but you have a cruuussh!" I blushed deeply red and hissed "I don't, shut up", back at him. "Aww Michael has a crush on jeremyyy~", Jake laughed and grinned at me through the mirror.

At 11:50 pm, I got a video-call from Rich and Jake. "Hey guys", I groaned, a mountain dew red in front of me, head supported by my hands. "Excited?", Jake asked. "I think Rich is way more excited", I answered and grinned at the display. Rich basically jumped up and down on the bed and plucked on Jake's sleeve. "Definitely", Jake said, Putting his arm around the smaller boy.
We continued to talk about school. Suddenly Rich yelled: "MICHAEL IT'S HAPPENING!" I looked at my wrist and dropped my bottle and stared at the sentence.
Thank you Michael, I'm Jeremy by the way, Jeremy Heere and I'm talking too much
"Michael? I think it broke him", Jake said. "Mikey? Dude? Mell? Mickey-Mouse!", Rich continued. But I kept staring at my soulmark. Jeremy? Was it the Jeremy? Could that be? Was it another Jeremy?
After another minute and continuing yelling from Jake and Rich I came back to reality. "Ah shit, my mountain dew", I cursed and took some tissues I had left in my room to wipe the red liquid from the floor. "What does it say, Michael?", Rich asked. I blushed deep red and showed them. "So he's really your soulmate, huh?", Jake grinned. "Who says it's him? I mean maybe he's not even called Jeremy Heere?", I mumbled nervously. "Don't worry, Mikey, he is." I didn't know or care which one if them said that. I just wanted to think about it, so I told them, I'd go to bed. Which I did.

The next two months nothing happend with Jeremy and me. Rich and Jake tried to convince me to talk to him but I never did. We would still awkwardly stare at each other sometimes, but I caught myself staring at him more often. And I fell harder for Jeremy. Rich and Jake knew, I wasn't very good at hiding it. But I thought they'd let me figure it out myself.

They didn't. They somehow managed letting me bump into Jeremy at the arcade. Well, not literally. Jake asked me, if I wanted to go there. I didn't know, that Rich used the two months to become friends with Jeremy. Well, Rich went there with him. But I was unaware. It was almost dark, when I realized, Jake and Rich left, leaving us there. "I swear I'm gonna kill them", I groaned, when I saw Jeremy in the parking lot all by himself, crying on the phone. I took a deep breath and walked towards him. I softly put a hand on his shoulder and asked "Sorry for my friends, you need a ride?" "Yeah, thank you Michael, I'm Jeremy by the way, Jeremy Heere... and I'm talking too much.", he stuttered nervously, "actually... I think I'm fine, my dad isn't home for another five hours anyways and I have no keys." "It's already 6pm, I'm not gonna let you here. You can stay at mine, I'm sure my mothers wouldn't mind", I answered. "Really? That's... so nice." We went to my PT Cruiser and I already wanted to leave, when Jeremy stopped me by taking my wrist. "I'm sorry if I'm being weird or something but... are you my soulmate?", he whispered, showing me his soulmark.
Sorry for my friends, you need a ride?
"May i?", I asked nervously. Jeremy let me take his arm, looking at the words,  until I rolled up my sleeve, showing him mine. "Seems like we are", I said and smiled at him.

From now on Jeremy and I didn't exchange awkward glances anymore or would stare at each other secretly. Don't get me wrong, we constantly stared at each other, but neither awkwardly nor secretly. Rich made fun about us being totally head over heels but I let him. He wasn't wrong, was he? Jeremy picked me up for school every morning and I would let him sneak into my basement whenever he wanted to. We would skip school together to escape maths and go to 7/11 and get slushies or just hang out behind the school.
But one thing still didn't happen: Jeremy didn't come out to his dad yet. My moms always knew I was gay, since growing up with lesbian mothers made me think it was normal and I told them in kindergarden already that boys were "ew" instead of girls. I never knew it was different at any points.
But for Jeremy, it was different. His mom was homophobic, she would even tell gay couples to stop holding hands or kissing, because it would "turn her son gay". He didn't know about his dad though. He never said anything about gay couples but also never stopped his ex wife.

So, today was the day. Jeremy would introduce me to his dad. Again. But properly, as his soulmate this time. "I'm nervous, Micha", Jeremy whispered, holding my hand tightly. "It's gonna be fine, Jere. He's gonna be okay with it", I said. Jeremy actually seemed to calm down a little. "Okay. Let's go", he said. He let go of my hand and I followed him downstairs, where his dad sat on the couch, reading a book. "Dad? Could you...", he said quietly. Mr. Heere looked up from his book and asked: "what's it?" "You know Michael. But what... you don't know is that- " Jeremy's voice broke but he took a deep breath and continued to talk: "Michael isn't just my friend. He is my boyfriend and my soulmate." I felt his hand taking mine protectively. Shortly after his dad stood up. I held Jeremy's hand tighter with a little fear, but then Mr. Heere smiled at me, saying: "I'm glad Jeremy has a soulmate, who is as kind as you are, Michael." Both, Jeremy and me calmed down visibly, as he smiled at us. Jeremy let go of my hand, as he hugged his dad. "I'm proud of you, Jeremy. And Michael, you better don't break his heart. Ow, don't slap me, the same goes for you, young man!", he said and chuckled.

"I told you, Jere-bear", i grinned. We were back on his bed, my head rested on his lap. "And once again you were right", he answered, playing with my hand. I chuckled slightly and intertwined our fingers. He smirked and kissed my hand. "I love you, Michael Mell." "I love you too, Jeremy Heere", I whispered and sat up, so I could go and sit on his lap. I grinned at him for a second, before I softly kissed him and pulled him as close as I could. And God help me, I was so in love with this boy

"You think it's one of the moments, where we leave and pretend we never were here?"
"I don't think so, Rich. Let's go."

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