richjake - only us

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I mean I guess you can tell that it's quite inspired by only us from dear evan hansen? It's just v sweet and suits them I think? Also I didn't use the lyrics 1:1 but y'all are gonna see
Also if you haven't listened to dear evan hansen you should do it (I mean you, my dearest(,))

Rich was nervous. He was at Jake's new house for the first time and Jake just told him, that he wanted to talk. They've been secretly dating for half a month now. Rich was terrified, that Jake regretted his decision on dating him.

"What did you want to talk about? Please don't break up with me! Or do break up with me if you want to I'm not planning on forcing you into a relationship and I totally get if you want to break up with me and I totally wouldn't hide in my room and keep crying for a week or so and-", Rich stutters out. Jake only put his hand on Rich's moth and calmly explained: "I was not planning on breaking up with you, Rich." He removed his hand again and got a simple "oh. Thanks" as a reply. "I don't want to keep us a secret anymore!", Jake blurted out. "Are you sure? Wouldn't they think, after all that it's weird, that..." "that we're happy?"
Rich didn't answer to that.

"You don't have to be scared I don't want you anymore. You don't have to be scared, you're not enough. I like what we have", Jake softly said. He took a short break and looked away for a minute. "I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken. I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget. Let's just try to make a new start and to quiet the voices in our heads." Rich looked at him with big eyes. He didn't know this meant this much too him. Of course he was aware that he took this seriously but he thought, he would care less about... him.
Jake took Rich's hands and looked him in the eyes again, continuing to talk: "can't it just be us? No matter what used to be before this? Only us, noone who can tell us what we can or can't be? Can we try that? Together?"

The smaller boy saw a bit of anxiety in his boyfriend's eyes, when he took a little time to reply. "I couldn't ever imagine that someone like you would actually want me", he said in a quiet voice. Jake anxiously chuckled. "Well...", he said. Rich smiled and continued by saying: "I couldn't give you many reasons to even accept me after all that. But if you like me for who I really am... you couldn't know for how long i wanted that. So I'd really much like to try it. For it to be only us and nothing more but nothing less. Not letting anyone tell us what we should be. Not caring what was before. I want to try that, together with you."

"Only us?", Jake whispered. Rich closed his eyes for a second, trying to quiet the voices in his head. "Yeah. Let's go", his said. Their hands found each other's automatically. Jake hold him tightly. Not tight enough for it to hurt. More like a promise. That whatever waited there wouldn't make him let go. That he would stay by his side, even if no one else would. Rich nodded and walked into the school, holding Jake's hand.
They both were surprised, when no one seemed to notice, until Brooke came towards them. "Are you two dating?", she asked. "Yeah", Jake said and gave her a shy smile. "Congratulations! I wish you two the best. You deserve it after all the shit that happend", she said and hugged them shortly, before she joined chloe and probably told her. Chloe waved at them and gave them a thumbs up. Jenna, who was with them only gave them a funny smirk.

Michael also was supportive. "That's so cool! Saw that coming though. I feel the gay from miles away", he joked. He also told them about his crush on his best friend. A few days later, he gave him a pan pride patch, after Jake talked about how he liked his. He also gave Rich a bi pride bracelet, because he thought, it would fit better and Rich wore tank tops quite often either way.

Jeremy was surprised, that they haven't been official all along. "I thought you were dating already for like... a month or so!", he laughed, "but you can always count on me! Ti be honest, I have a crush on a guy myself."

Christine was super excited when she found out. She wanted to know all about it and sucked up every word of their story. "This is so adorable!", she said and grinned at the two, before she changed the subject and told them about a show she was gonna see.

"I'm glad, we made it official. It's so much better like this.", Rich mumbled. "Me too. I don't have to hide anymore. At all. It can just be us from now", Jake replied. They were laying on Rich's bed and cuddled. In this moment nothing else mattered. It was just the two of them. "Only us", Rich whispered. And Jake softly smiled. "Only us."

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