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"Are you sure you want this job, miss?"

"It shouldn't be that hard, eight spirits shouldn't be that bad."

"Be careful, miss. I'll be awaiting your return."


(Y/n) walked with the client to the castle.

"This is the castle?"

"Yes ma'am."

"This shouldn't be too hard then."

"Miss I really should warn you, as easy as you think this may be, the 8 of them, they're merciless."

"I'll be okay, thank you."

"Well, I should also warn you, the night of the Blood Moon, be extra cautious."

(Y/n) brushed it off nonchalantly and the client shook his head.

"Good luck, Miss. You'll need it."

(Y/n) couldn't understand why everyone was so afraid of the castle. It was eight spirits, easy money. (Y/n) walked across the abandoned courtyard to the castle and pushed the door open. The main hall was completely dark, the furniture was covered with dust. (Y/n) carelessly walked inside.


"We have company."

Hongjoong turned his head to the door.

"It's a young woman?"

Seonghwa shook his head.

"She seems familiar."

Mingi chuckled and nodded.

"She's the last of the (L/n) family."

"I thought we killed them all?"

"Well, we obviously didn't, idiot."

San raised a hand and the three of them shut up.

"She's not human, well not completely."

Yeosang popped up out of nowhere and nodded.

"She has the blood of a hunter in her."

"She's a hunter?"

San smirked and chuckled.

"Let's play with her. She can be our brand new toy."


(Y/n) turned on the lights in the castle. It was so eerily quiet. It was too quiet. (Y/n) turned around abruptly and grabbed Wooyoung by the neck. His eyes glowed red and he disappeared.

"Aw, it's not nice to go and disappear like that."

She punched the air behind her and Jongho fell to the floor. She was good.


"She is a hunter. She can sense us."



(Y/n) grabbed her backpack and carefully walked down the hall. The hallway was so cold. She felt something tickle at her neck and she turned around suddenly. San was staring at her.

"Oh my, aren't you pretty?"

(Y/n) back hit the wall and San chuckled.

"You look a little lost."

His pale hand trailed across her jaw and she froze. He laughed and his hand grabbed her neck.

"Ac- !!"

Blood Moon (San x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now