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San carried (Y/n) to the room carefully before laying her down on the bed.

"I told you never to go to the garden alone. What if I never found you? What if I was too late?"

San grabbed (Y/n)'s hand.

"What if I lost you?"

(Y/n) reached up to caress San's cheek. He leaned into her touch and his body relaxed.

"You'll always have a piece of me with you."

San's eyes closed and he sighed. (Y/n) stroked his cheek lovingly as she began to fall asleep.


"Sleep with me."

(Y/n) sounded so tired.


San laid down beside the girl and she laid her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry, for going out into the garden alone. I know it scared you.."

San wrapped his arms around (Y/n) and hugged her close.

"I thought I was losing you."

(Y/n) pulled herself closer to him. His body was so cold.

"I'm sorry. For these past three weeks. For everything."

"I'm sorry too. For always getting mad at you when you wanted to talk to me."


"They've been asleep for a very long time."

"Well, she did almost die."

"We still need her for the Blood Moon."

"I think San has different plans now."


(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open and San was sitting at the edge of the bed.


He didn't answer. She sat up and noticed her blouse was gone.


"I almost did something. To you."


She reached to touch his shoulder but he jerked away from her.

"I couldn't control myself."

He turned around and (Y/n) stared at him in awe.

"The Blood Moon..."

His eyes glowed a brilliant red. She crawled to him and touched his face. He grabbed her hand, but she didn't flinch away.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not going to hurt me."

San wanted to grab her. He wanted to hold her close to him. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to love her.

"There's so much I want to do with you. So much."

"You know we can't.."

Her eyes began filling with tears. There was so much she wanted to do together.

"I want to love you. I want you to love me. I want to be with you. But you're a spirit. I'm human."

"I wish we met in a different life. I wish we met in a time where I could give you everything."

(Y/n) held his hand and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"You've already given me everything I'll ever need."

Blood Moon (San x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now