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(Y/n) sat quietly in the bath. Three weeks had passed and it was the same routine. Argue with San, nearly die, have a moment, repeat. It was a schedule now. She was tired.

"You've been in the bath for nearly an hour."

"I like it here. Leave me alone."

"Is it because we argued agai-"

"Yes, San. It's because we argued again."

Her words were sharp and bitterness dripped off her tongue. San was actually taken back by her harshness.

"Is it really because we argue-"

"Get out. I don't want to talk to you right now. Just leave."

San left without another word. (Y/n) felt a few tears roll down her cheeks and she wiped them away. He walked back into the bath house with a towel for her.

"I'm sorry, if that makes you feel better..."

San took off his clothes and got into the bath across from (Y/n).

"Are you genuinely apologizing or did Seonghwa make you come here and apologize."

"A mix of both."

"Then I don't wanna hear it."


"I'm upset at you."

"You've been upset at me for three weeks. The only time you talk to me is when we argue."

"I actually think it's better this way."


"Go away."

"(Y/n), I'm sorry."

(Y/n) didn't even notice that San went to sit next to her.

"I'm so tired of the same thing San. I'm so tired of you. I'm tired of our arguments. I'm tired of it."

She buried her face into her knees, the tears wouldn't stop falling.

"It's true. What you said three weeks ago."

San reached over and held (Y/n)'s face.

"I did fall in love with you. And it was so stupid of me. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. Now, I can't seem to fall out of love with you..."

"Then don't."

He lifted her chin up and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I really do hate you..."

"I know."

He pulled her onto his lap and she pushed him away.

"No. I'm not going to let you do this to me again."

She climbed out of the bath and left the bath house. San sat in the warm water. Alone. This time, he wasn't the one leaving (Y/n). She left him.


(Y/n) pulled on pants and a blouse before peeking out the room.

"Looking for someone?"

(Y/n) jumped up in shock. Mingi was grinning stupidly behind her.

"Song Mingi! You scared me!"

"Sorry about that. I heard that you and San argued again..."

(Y/n)'s smile disappeared.

"Yeah, we did..."

"You love him a lot don't you?"

"Yeah, I do..."

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