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Nysia POV
I Wanna Go In Extra Early Today Just To Clean Up A Little Before Everybody Else Come In And Customers Start Rolling In. I Got Out The Bed And Got Ready To Take My Shower. Since I'm Staying Until Closing Today Ima And Ima Be Cooking And Stuff Ina Put On My Uniform.

I Went To My Closet And Took Out My Uniform And Sat It On My Bed I Went In My Bathroom And Took My Shower When I Got Out I Went Back To My Room And Dried Off And Got Dressed. I Went To My Mirror To Do My Hair.

"It's 7:30 Where You Going?" Jonathan Asked Sitting Up In The Bed. "Work" "I Thought You Dont Gotta Go Til 9" "Yeah But I Wanna Go In Extra Early" "Okay" He Said Walking Over To Me And Kissing Me.

I Finished Doing My Hair And Went Downstairs And Fixed Me Something To Eat. After I Finished Eating I Cleaned My Stuff Up. "I'm Finna Go" I Said Standing At My Bedroom Door. "Ight Ill Come By There Later On, Love You" "Okay, Love You Too" I Just The Door Back And Walked Back Downstairs.

Demeatria POV

Last Night I Couldn't Sleep For Nothing. I Probably Got Like Three Hours Of Sleep. So I Called Nique Letting Them Know What Happen And I Wasn't Coming In Today So I Could Get Some Rest. "You Didn't Let What Happen Keep You From Getting Sleep Did You?" Kevin Asked Me. I Opened My Eyes And Turned Towards Him.

"...I Did." "Don't Let That Worry You, We Gon Find Out Who They Is I Promise, Because For What Ever Reason They Doing All This For They Coming Back For Me" He Said Kissing My Forehead. "Okay" "Now Take Your Ass To Sleep" He Said Laughing. I Laughed And Turn Back The Other Way And Drift Off To Sleep.

Nysia POV

I Pulled Up To The Restaurant And Parked In My Parking Spot. For A Minute I Just Sat In The Truck Because For Some Reason I Just Got This Weird Feeling Like Something Wasn't Right. After A Few Seconds Of Just Sitting In There I Finally Got Out. I Walked Around The Back And Went In. When I Walked In I Couldn't Believe My Fucking Eyes.

I Looked Around On The Floor And It Was Pots, Pans, Glass, All Kinda Shit Over My Floor. Like Somebody Really Broke In My Shit And Trashed My Fucking Restaurant. I Went Out Onto The Floor And It Wasn't Too Much Damage They Just Knocked All The Chairs And A Few Tables Over.

Before I Close The Restaurant Up I Always Take The Money Out The Cash Register And Lock It Up In A Safe In My Office Or If In Not Here To Do It I Get My Cook Josh To Do It Because I Trust Him Enough Too. Just To Be Sure I Walked Down to My Office To See If Anybody Went In There But The Door Was Still Locked.

I Pulled My Phone Out And Called Josh And Two Of My Other Workers Selena And Tammy To Come And Help Me Clean Up. After I Got Off The Phone With Them I Went And Checked Every Door To See Which One They Came In And They Came Through The One On The Other Side Of The Kitchen.

I Went To My Office To Check My Security Cameras And Of Course When I Checked Them They Had On Masks. My First Thought Went To The Girls That Jumped Kevin Leaving The Studio. I Pulled My Phone Out And FaceTime Demeatria.


ME: You Was Sleep?


ME: My Bad, But Girl You Won't Believe This Shit.


ME: Somebody Broke Into The Restaurant And Trashed The Fucking Place.

DEMEATRIA: Maann Stop Lying!

ME: I'm Deadass Lemme Show You.

I Got Up And Walked Out My Office Walked In The Kitchen.

ME: See.

I Switched The Camera Around And Showed Her

DEMEATRIA: What The Fuck! Kevin Look.

KEVIN: You Called The Police?

ME: Nah, I Checked The Security Cameras They Got On Masks Cant See A Damn Thing.

KEVIN: The Camera Picked Up Their Car?

ME: Nah, Dont Even Look Like The Parked In The Parking Lot, They Came Walking From The Back.

DEMEATRIA: Probably Them Bitches That Jumped You.

ME: Same Thing In Thinking.

DEMEATRIA: Ima Take A Shower And We'll Be There.

ME: Okay.

DEMEATRIA: You Told Jonathan Yet?

ME: No Ima Call Him Now.


Demeatria POV
I Got Out The Bed And Took My Shower And We Got In The Truck And To The Restaurant.

"Lemme See The Tape" I Said Walking In. Me And Nysia Went To Her Office While Kevin And Jonathan Helped Everybody Else. I Pulled My Phone Out And Went To Me And Kevin Messages And Looked At The Pictures From The Tape From The Studio. "Bitch These The Same Girls" I Said Looking At Her. "You Forreal?" "Yes, Same Size, Height, Hair Allat."

"Well Who The Fuck Could These Girls Be!" "Ion Know But They Doing A Damn Good Job Hiding Theirselves." I Said As We Walked Out The Office. "I'm Saying." "We Gotta Be More Careful, Ain't No Telling What They Gon Do Next" I Said Once We Got Back To Jonathan And Kevin. "We Do" Nysia Said.

"Ian Gon Lie For A Lil Minute I Was Thinking It Was One Of Yo Lil Exes But Since They Do This Nysia If It Was A Ex Of Yours Why They Going After Her Too" I Said. "I Figured You Been Thinking That But Ian Wanted To Say Nothing" Kevin Said. "You Gon Open Up Today?" Jonathan Asked Her. "No, Because Some Of The Tables And Chairs Broke And Most Of The Pots, Plates All That Shit I Gotta Get New Ones " She Said Sitting In One Of The Chairs.

When She Sat Down I Saw Some Tears Roll Down Her Check. "Oh Bitch, You Gon Make Me Cry And Ian Tryna Do That Right Now" I Said Sitting Down Beside Her. "It's Just I Worked So Hard For All This Ain't No Telling How Long It's Gon Take To Get These Tables And Chairs Back In Here." "Don't Worry Bout That, Ill Handle That" Jonathan Said Coming Over To Her Hugging Her.

"After We Finish Cleaning Up Here Y'all Just Go Back Home, Ill Call Like Two Or Three People To Come Sit Out Here Tonight To Be On The Look Out." Kevin Said. "Okay Thank You".

We Finished Cleaning Up And Closed The Place Back Up And Went Back Home. "This Shit Is Crazy" Nysia Said As We Walked In The House. "It Really Is. Crazy And Scary Because We Don't Know Whats Coming Next" I Said Sitting On The Couch. "Exactly! Ion Even Think Ima Be Able To Sleep Tonight" She Said Sitting On The Other Couch.

"Man Same! Ian Got Nothing But Like Three Hours Of Sleep And I'm Soo Damn Sleepy" I Said. "Damn, I Did Sleep A Little Last Night, But Tonight I Doubt It" "Mann I'm Finna Go Fix Me A Glass Of Wine And Take Bath Then Smoke A Blunt Hopefully That'll Knock My Ass Out." "Oouu That Sound Good Ima Do That Too" Nysia Said Getting Up.

"Hell Do We Got Some?" I Said Going In The Kitchen. I Looked In The Refrigerator And Took Out The Bottle Of

"Lemme Roll Up First" I Said Putting The Bottle On The Counter "Roll Up For Me Too" Nysia Said. I Went Upstairs And Got My Stuff Out. After I Rolled One For Me And One For Her I Went Downstairs And Gave Her Hers And Poured Me A Glass And Went Upstairs To My Bathroom And Ran My Bath Water.
Meechi 💋

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