No Mist Chapter

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Dereks POV
I was watching Iron Man when it happened. The TV cut out and then flashed to life with 12 beautiful people on thrones. "Hello mortals. We are the Greek Gods. Recently, the most has fallen, and you will now be able to see monsters." A lady with grey eyes then said "We also have children, called demigods, who will protect you from these monsters, however most monsters will leave you alone if you leave them alone." The screen then changes back into Iron Man as I whip out my phone to text my friends

Me: u all saw that, right?
Percy: yes
Me: o good, I thought I was going crazy
Julian: do u believe it?
Aaron: dude of course not
Percy: idk guys, it sounded pretty real
Me: really Percy?
Julian: well, I don't believe it
Me: I am suspending judgement until it's proven either way
Aaron: fancy words

#hello I am damasen the time skip#
(The next day) (still Dereks POV)

Ever since the announcement, people have been saying that they are demigods. I personally are starting not to believe in the gods, but don't tell them I said that!

Percy POV
Well Hecate is sick, the gods have been revealed, and half the school doesn't believe and the other half is claiming that they are demigods. There, you're all caught up.

Anyway, I was just trying to get to math when the 'daughter of Hera', Annie,  walks up to me. "Hey sweetie, wanna come over tonight?"
" thanks. I have a girlfriend" I say, blushing.
"How dare you! I am the daughter of Hera, queen of the gods, goddess of love and beauty!" She shrieks.

Dereks POV
"How dare you! I am the daughter of Hera, queen of the gods, goddess of love and beauty!" I hear the schools slut, Annie (who is so dumb that she doesn't know that a) Hera is faithful to Zeus and b) Hera is the goddess of marriage), yell as an announcement plays over the PA system. "All mortals are required to go to the school auditorium right now" a voice booms "NOW"
We all rush to the theater and take our seats instead of Percy, who just slinks in the back.
"Mortals. I am Zeus. King of the Gods. We are here to collect our demigod so they may be taken to Mount Olympus." He booms.

Percy slides down in his seat while Annie stands up. "And who are you?" A man in a Hawaiian shirt asks kindly. Probably Poseidon.
"I am Annie. Daughter of Hera, goddess of love and beauty and Queen of the gods" she answers. 2 women then stand up. One is always changing, but is somehow the most beautiful person I have ever seen, and the other looks regal, with dark hair and a crown (a/n: does she have a crown?) on her head with a look of disgust on her face. "I am Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty." The beautiful woman says. "And I am Hera, Queen of the gods and goddess of Marriage" the other goddess says "AND YOU ARE NO CHILD OF MINE" they scream simultaneously. Annie sits back down, embarrassed.
"If the real demigod doesn't come up, they will not be able to come with us to pick up Annabeth"
"Fine!" I hear a shout from one of the most unlikely person possible: Percy. He starts to walk up to the stage confidently.
"Full title son" Poseidon says.
"Ugh, fine." Percy grumbles "I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. I defeated the fury Alecto, the Minotaur, and Medusa, retrieved Zeus' Lightning bolt, battled the god Ares, retrieved the Golden Fleece, held up the sky, survived the labyrinth, defeated Kronos and a whole bunch of other monsters, got amnesia, killed the gorgons, defeated Chrysor, survived Tar-Tar-the pit, part of the seven that defeated Gaea and Fiancée to Annabeth Chase." He finished with a flourish and disappeared along with the gods shouting IM COMING ANNABETH!

I never saw him again and it's safe to say that our school was chaos after he disappeared.

If anyone wants, I'll make one about Annabeth getting revealed.


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