Emerson Loughty

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This is so not fair! I belong with Frank! It's all because if that Hazel girl.

It was a rainy Tuesday. I was walking to class when Frank rushed by. I sighed. He is so hot. He looked back at me. "Are you ok?" He asked. He is sooo into me. I nodded and he jogged to class. "See you later!" I shout after him. It's study period and the last class of the day for me, so Ms. Green doesn't mind if I'm late. Until today.

"Miss Loughty! You're late." Ms. Green is being really strict today. I wonder why, but then I see her. "This is Hazel. She is shadowing Emily." I remember Emily saying something about that.
I pull out my English homework because it always takes the longest. "Hey, can you read this?" The girl Hazel asks shyly. "No, I'm dyslexic. Sorry" I plaster a fake smile across my face. She's probably here to steal Frank.

Time skip to the end of the day.

"Hey Emerson. Can I see your phone for a second?" Frank asks. "Sure!" I reply. Somehow he calls my mom and says "it's time." Time for what?
"Wanna come over after school?" Franks face is red. He's probably going to ask me out. I nod, trying not to do my happy dance. "Cool." He looks relieved.

Franks leads me to a red Spyder. "You can sit in the back." He points to the grey seats. Suddenly, Hazel come up to Frank and pecks him on the lips.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I blow up. Frank is mine!
"Kissing my boyfriend. Now get in the car." Hazel smirks and sits in the front seat.

*Flashback Over*

Frank took me to Camp Half-Blood and told me about the gods. When we crossed the hill, I was bathed in a purple light. "All hail Emerson, daughter of Dionysus." Frank says and bows. All the campers that were coming up the hill bowed too. A few muttered "she better not mess up Frazel." What is Frazel? They should be talking about me! I see Hazel standing in front of a big, blue house (is it blue? I'm too lazy to check.) I walk up to her calmly and say "You. Me. Fight for Frank." She smirks and shakes her head. "You don't know what's coming." she says and walks away. She is going to lose. I took sword fighting for 3 years.

Time skip to the battle
Here it is. The big day. I strap up my armor and pull out my sword. Hazel has a long golden sword and no armor. This will be easy-peasy. I charge and Hazel sidesteps. She seems almost... bored. That's impossible! I'm trying my hardest to hit her, but I can barely catch her! Finally, she steps in and I land a hit on her arm. She narrows her eyes and disarms me quicker than a shark to chum. "You lost!" She says gleefully

I hate her. Someday she'll pay.

Sorry I haven't posted

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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