Jason Grace- Burning Maze

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Kyle POV
Hi, I'm Kyle, Jason Grace's best friend. He could have chosen the popular group when he came, but choose me and our circle of friends. It's an all boys school, but he somehow still has admirers. I'm not good at you know, background information, so here's a picture:

 I'm not good at you know, background information, so here's a picture:

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Anyway, one day, Jason seemed distracted. "What's wrong?" I asked, and this is what he told me

Last year, I had amnesia and met a beautiful girl named Piper and a funny boy named Leo. We went to a summer camp, but I thought we were supposed to go to a different one, so we searched for it and found it and the camps did not get along, so they had a fight. Anyways, my other friend also got amnesia, and so we went on a cruise through Europe with my other friends. We had a lot of problems, with the ship breaking down, and then Percy falling into hell....anyway we finally got back home and saved both camps, but not before Leo dying.

After that, I didn't really know what to say. His friend was dead? "Man, that sucks." I say, trying not to cry.
"It's sad, but you have to move on. C'mon, it's time for English." Jason pats my back and leaves as I groan and grab my books.

We were about halfway through English when a girl asks to see Jason! What? Jason nods and leaves the room. He never came back.

Jason POV
Apollo is mortal. Him and Meg and... Piper. Oh gods Piper. I know she ended it, but I might as well have, she can't die. She can't. I thought we were done. Now we have to go face Caligula. Before we do though, I tell Apollo about my plan for the camps.

Hello, let's all pretend that this is a time skip moving you to the great battle of Lester and Booties.

This emperor, Caligula is too strong. I believe Lester can do it. I'm trying to think of a plan when I feel the cold blade of Caligula's sword run through me. I can feel my heart slowing down. With the last of my strength I look at Apollo and yell "GO! Remember!" I'll see you again Piper, I'll wait.

Piper POV
Jason is dead. Leo is dead. Dad is broken. Why does everyone I love have to suffer?

Kyle POV
It's been 3 days since anyone has heard from Jason, until today. I hear a knock at the door and the same girl that excused him is standing in the doorway, crying. "Ja-Jason is dead. I'm so sorry." She sobs. "Come sit down, I'm sorry too." I say, tears coming to my eyes. Don't cry don't cry don't cry I tell myself. We talk for a while until she stands up and says "I need to go tell his other friends." I feel so bad for her. "I can tell his friends here." I offer.
"Thanks." She says, then runs off sniffling. I pray to God that she finds someone else.

I'm not crying, your crying.

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