Peter Parker/Tony Stark

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Peter POV
"Mr. Stark!" I yell. "Wait up!"
"C'mon kid." He sighs and waits for me. It's career day and the school asked parents too come in. Sadly, I don't have any parents to bring in, so Mr. Stark agreed to come. Anyway, we were going to the office when we were bombarded by this small Latino kid, Leo I think, and his girlfriend, Calypso. "Hi I'm Leo and this is Calypso my girlfriend I have some ideas for your suit can I have it for a bit? Are you here for Peter? I'm in his math class. Also, Peter, I have some ideas for your suit and webs if you want them. And yes, blah blah blah, you're Spider-Man, it's kinda obvious. And don't call me kid Tony." He finished with his hands out as if asking for something.
"You want my suit? Ki-" Mr. Stark stopped, remembering Leo's earlier warning. "Leo, I really don't see how you can improve my suit or Peters webs." Mr. Stark laughed. "But you can try. If you can improve it, I'll give you a summer internship." Wow. That was unexpected. I was the only person so far to get an internship. Mr. Stark must really doubt Leo's abilities, but to be honest, so do I. But I digress. Mr. Stark gave Leo a briefcase with his suit in it (Lets just pretend, ok?), probably expecting him to drop it, but Leo just nodded and lifted it up and down while walking down the hallway. "I'll need that back before I present!" Mr. Stark yelled, but Leo was already gone. "Sorry." Calypso said "I'll make sure he knows that, but he'll probably be done in 15 minutes." Then she turned on her heel and sprinted down the hallway. "Weird." Mr. Stark shook his head. "How about you go find your friends kid?" He asked me. "Sure Mr. Stark!" I answer and run off, looking for Ned and M.J.

"Leo!" I hear Caly yell. "Tony needs it before his presentation!" "Ok sunshine!" I yell back. "I'm almost done!" "How long did that take you, and what did you do?" Caly asks. "12 minutes 39 seconds and all I did was make it more lightweight, update Friday, add heat sensor lasers and make his jet-pack hand thingy more stable." Calypso just nodded. "Ok, can I help you with the webs?" She asks. "Ok I say, can you start weaving a thin strip with this?" I hand her some industrial glue mixed with other stuff.

15 minutes and 23 seconds later.

Calypso weaved that stuff like nobody's business. Now I just have to pack it up and give it to Stark. Oh, stupid me, I forgot to tell you that I made his suit collapsable into a ring that can fit around his arc reactor on his chest.

Tony's POV
It's getting near presentation time and I'm getting worried when Leo and Calypso come running with... a necklace and a Tupperware filled with this white stuff. "Where is my suit?" I demand. "Calm down. It's right here." The boy points to the necklace. "I made it collapse into this, which can fit around your arc reactor." He reaches up and puts it on my chest and the necklace immediately snaps around the arc reactor. "I also made it lighter, more stable, and updated Friday. Try it." I take a guess and press the glowing reactor on my chest and am immediately engulfed in my suit. Well not my suit. A better, lighter version of my suit. How did that kid do this?
"Ummm..Hello? Mr. Stark? Anybody Home?" Leo waves a hand in front of my face. "Sorry." I say. "Ok, Caly went to find Peter, and I'm going to sit down. There's only a slight possibility it will explode so be careful." He says and walks away. Explode?

Peter POV
"Hey, Peter." Calypso whispers. "What?"
"Your webs." She says and hands me a big Tupperware with white stuff. "Just try it." She whispers and disappears.

Time Skip to after the presentation because I'm lazy.

Tony POV
Oh My God. How did the kid do it? I flew in from the back of the auditorium and it felt like I was floating on air! He's a genius! Speak of the devil, here he is. Oh damn he looks nervous .
"Mr. Stark, I need to ask you something." The kid says. "Ok what is it?" I ask
"Did you ever have any missing family members?" He asks
"Yes, I did actually.  My grandfather on my dads side left my grandmother." Leo bounced up and down. "Well, you know the Greek Gods....."

I think Tony might be a legacy of Hephaestus! Think about it! He loves to build, has a grandfather missing on his dads side, his dad loved to invent stuff, it all makes sense! I told him about the gods, monsters, and demigods, but not about where CJ and CHB are, or that I'm technically his uncle, or that monsters stalk me. I basically gave him the 10 second version. I start to walk away when Tony grabs my arm. "Hey ki-Leo, do you want an internship for Stark Industries?" "As much as I'd love that, I doubt you could teach me anything." I say then walk away dramatically, loving the look on Metal Mans face. Suddenly, I hear sunshine yell "Leo!" and hear a growl. I light up my hands and spring into action.

Calypso POV
I had just given Peter his 'webs' when I heard a growl from the shadows. I whip out my celestial bronze dagger and yell "Leo!", praying to all the gods that he'll understand. Thankfully, he does come with his hands on fire screaming "LEO MCSHIZZLE BABY!!" I stifle a laugh and soon enough we reduce the hellhound to ashes. Now we have a bigger problem: everyone just saw what we did. "Uh Sunshine, you can do that mist thing, right?" Leo asks. In response, I snap my fingers and say "you never had any students named Calypso or Leo." Now instead of about 400 kids staring at me in disbelief, there are only 2. Tony Stark and daughter of Ares it looks like. "What-How?" Tony stammered. I walk up to him and concentrate. Soon enough, his eyes glaze over. "C'mon." Leo says to the girl "You're coming with us."
"Who ARE you people?!?" She shrieks
"Well, funny story," Leo starts "do you know anything about the Greek gods?"

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