Mrs. McDaniels

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Ms. McDaniels POV
Greetings. I'm Carrie McDaniels. I am a teacher at Goode high. Overall, it's a good school except for some students, like that Percy Jackson. He has ADHD and dyslexia and is always fooling around. Then one day he disappeared.

Time Skip to When Percy Came Back To Goode, 10 years later

Percy POV
Hello Goode High! Long time no see. A lot has happened since I last went here, the war, Tartarus, and oh yeah! the gods revealed themselves! And me! So now I have to use a fake name. As if my life wasn't hard enough, now I have to deal with the school sluts saying their daughters of Hera and the jocks saying they are sons of Zeus. I grab my books out of my locker and try to head to Greek without being harassed. "Hey Peter," the schools slut, Krista Smithville walked up to me "wanna come over to my house later? My parents aren't home and we could have some fun." She smiles, but it's not a flirtatious smile, it's a triumphant smile. "Sorry, I'm busy" I reply. "With what?" She asks. "Hanging out with my girlfriend." "Oh sweetie, you can drop the act, we all know you don't have one. And you better go out with me, otherwise I'll have my mom, Aphrodite curse your love life!" I laugh. Yeah right, if anything she helped my love life.

Ms. McDaniels POV
The Greek gods are real! Can you believe it? Now I have to teach Greek, both the history and the language. The top of the class is a boy named Peter Johnson, a kid who always falls asleep but gets 100s on the tests. He also looks suspiciously like Percy Jackson, but that's impossible! Percy Jackson disappeared 10 years ago. I see that he fell asleep yet again, so I decide to give him a hard question. "Peter! Which modern day hero defeated Kronos and Gaea?" "Perseus Jackson ma'am, but he did not actually defeat Gaea, his friends Jason, Leo, and Piper did." I hate that kid. "I'm afraid you are incorrect, Peter." I say stiffly. He slides down in his seat muttering something I can't make out. Suddenly, voice booms over the intercom. "All mortals must go to the auditorium, NOW!" No way is that good. He's probably a shooter or something.

Percy POV
My first thought is 'Finally! Zeus is getting me out of here!' My second thought however is, 'oh no, I'm going to be revealed.'

Krista POV
That hot loner, Peter is acting strange. He sits in the back and I decide to sit one row in front of him, so he can see how beautiful my hair is. When all of us are sitting down, there's a bright flash and 25 people appear on stage (The 12 gods + Hades and Hestia and Reyna, Thalia, Nico, Will, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Frank, and Hazel)
"Attention Mortals! I am Zeus, God of the Sky and ruler of the gods. We are here to reveal a demigod- well, now they're a god." Wow. I look around and realize everyone is looking at me. I stand up and choose the most beautiful woman, "hello mother" I say and she laughs at me. "Ha! You're not my daughter! For that, you will not be able to wear makeup for a month!" I sit down, embarrassed. "If the god does not come up, Apollo will recite a Haiku."
"Fine, fine, you win." Peter stands up. "Sit down Peter! You'll get yourself incinerated." That stupid Greek teacher, Ms. McDaniels whisper screams and grabs his arm. "I don't think so mortal." Ms. McDaniels withdraws her hand as if burned.
"I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, god of loyalty and swordsmanship." He walks up to the stage and pecks the lips of this ugly girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. "This is my wife, goddess of architecture."He points to the girl he just kissed and smirked. "Oh and by the way, I did not defeat Gaea Ms. McDaniels. See ya!" Him and all the gods disappear into thin air. Oh well, there's always the new football players.

Ms. McDaniels POV

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