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(Y/N) your name

(H/L) Hair length

(H/C) Hair color

(F/C)Favorite color

(F/F) Favorite food

(N/N) Nick name

(E/C) Eye color




It's a brand new day! Thursday to be exact!

You slowly opened your eyes and looked around your room, trying to get awake.

You wiped your eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. Once you finished with that, you looked over at the alarm clock you had, it was very early in the morning. You groaned at how early you've woken up, and sighed slightly. You lay in the bed for at least another 15 minutes before deciding to get up, you swung your legs over the bed and onto the cold, wooden floors, they creaked silently as you walked over them, trying to keep your balance.

You walked into your bathroom and began to brush your teeth, mid-brushing your teeth you stopped and stared at your bedhead- cringing at how messy it was. You continued to brush your teeth and smiled, looking at them and rinsing your mouth out quickly.

You walked over to the bathtub and decided you'd have a quick shower this morning, to you know, help you get awake.

You turned on the shower, making sure it was very warm, but not too warm.

You walked over to the towel cabinet, grabbing two towels, putting one on the counter for drying off, and one on the floor to soak all the water that dripped off of you.

You stripped quite quickly, due to the fact it was super cold in your house currently. You stepped inside the shower, letting the warmth consume you.


Third person P.O.V


(Y/N) smiled as she showered, singing a bit while washing herself.

Mid-washing herself, her favorite spirit, Marleen, came in.

Marleen smiled and placed some clothes onto the counter for (Y/N), of course a casual outfit that happened to be (Y/N)'s favorite color, (F/C)!

She smiled, thanking Marleen.

Marleen nodded, disappearing mid air.

She smiled wider, continuing to shower.




(Y/N) got out of the shower, stepping on the towel and shivering at the sudden coldness that hit her.

She quickly grabbed a towel, drying herself off with the puffy, (F/C) towel.


2nd person P.O.V


You dried yourself off, starting with your body, starting with your face, and going down.

You dried your hair last, getting it dried well before you even dared trying to put clothes on.

As soon as you got your hair dried, you began to get dressed in an outfit that you personally love no doubt.

(Pick which one you want, and if it's not your favorite color, just imagine it is! :3)

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