A sudden dream.

122 3 1

Things to look out for

(Y/N):Your name


(Y/LN):Your last name

(F/C):Favorite color

(E/C):Eye color

(H/C):Hair color

(F/F):Favorite food

(F/S):Favorite snack

(F/D):Favorite drink

________Reader POV________

The dream is taking place in my old high school I'm running around running from something but I don't know what I'm running FROM I just feel like. I should run from it, it's terrifying it's scaring me and It makes me want to scream for help, I just hide in a locker as I look through the little cracks of the locker I see a tall demon figure roaming the halls I then get out of the locker and run the other direction. I Fall and suddenly i'm in a memory I'm waiting in the cafeteria its now full of students I see a note in my hand Its familiar I look around and see zane then suddenly my legs are carrying me away without my command I try stopping but suddenly i'm infront of him. I then give him the note and he looks at me with disgust my eyes widen and zane looks over toward sasha and zenix they nod and he pours tomato juice and cranberry juice. All over me All the makeup that I used to cover my cuts and bruises wash off and everybody is laughing some of the students are worried teachers rush over to me and grab me When they sit me down I blink and im in a terrifying room 

(Y/N):"T-the m-mental hospital!?"

I stammer over my words clearly scared I begin to cry as im in a straight jacket to pervent me from hurting myself and I'm also in a padded room then Suddenly a plate of disgusting food gets pushed infront of me. I realized my body is now pecking at the food like a chicken pecking at the seeds in the floor I begin to gag at this disgusting food then I'm suddenly in the middle of a road In the fog and I cannot move Its... a bridged road? My body I cannot control it suddenly im falling off the bridge and im in the nether! I wake up quickly


I reach out for something and stop I look around and see zane's sleeping face I get out of his grasp and go to the bathroom I look at my wrist and arms crying as the cuts I recently did haven't really disappears I just wipe my tears away and look in the mirror then I look at my phone and its 4:07 

(Y/N):"No wonder I had a that nightmare... it was 3 am..."

I begin to wash my face and brush my teeth I then strip and get into the shower as I'm showering I see zane's shadow at the curtain

(Y/N):"Zane? what are you doing cutie?"

I get no respond and I begin to get worried I then open the curtains and nobody is there I get scared and quickly finish showering and then get out and step onto the carpet I then dry myself and change into a white crop top and blue jean shorts with fishnets I then have knee high boots and I walk out and see hes sleeping on the couch peacefully

(Y/N):"what... was that?...?"

Zane then wakes up he looks at her confused

Zane:"Are you okay (Y/N)? You look shaken up"

he reaches a hand out to me and I nuzzle into it I then look him in the eyes not knowing what to say

(Y/N):"I'm fine zane I just seen a spider in the bathroom and killed it"

Zane:"Ah you could've woken me up, I would've gotten it for you"

(Y/N):"No its fine I got it" I begin to do my hair zane then comes behind me and grabs my brush

Zane:"May I?" 

I gently nod and smile at him he begins to brush my hair for me as hes brushing my hair I fall even deeper in love with him every second he begins to do my hair nicely and I feel all warm inside by this gesture he finishes doing my hair and puts the brush down he looks at me I look back at him and wrap my arms around him I then kiss his cheek

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