My father...

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(Y/N) your name

(H/L) Hair length

(H/C) Hair color

(F/C)Favorite color

(F/F) Favorite food

(N/N) Nick name

(E/C) Eye color

(P/N) Pet name

(F/D) Favorite drink

(Y/L/N) Your last name

                                                                                         Readers POV                                                                               

I'm trembling in my spot where I've heard his voice many times the voice thats suposed to comfort me, is the voice that leads me to stress I lift my head up to look at him

(Y/N):"W-what are you doing here f-father..." He gives me a brisk smack across my face which burns badly I cover my cheek with my hand and tears stream down my cheek

Father:"You little ignorant brat your mother was worried about you and then you leave a single phone call about a business meeting, anyways clean your face up your mother will be here in a few minutes you disgrace and set up the guest room For us we'll be staying" He proceeds to look around and sees a teddy bear he picks it up "What is this?"

(Y/N):"Its... a stuffed toy I made father" He looks at it

Father:"Its ugly you've always been into sewing this disgusting things You should just stop"

(Y/N):"Y-yes father as you wish" He throws the teddy bear away and sits on the couch I head upstairs and fix myself up putting make up to cover my bruised cheek then I hear the doorbell ring and I go downstairs and surprisingly my father answered the door and its... zane

Father:"Yes? hello"

Zane:"I am looking for (Y/N) to give her a thank you gift"


(Y/N):"Z-zane!" I see my father give me a glare, oh no I'm gonna pay for that... I walk downstairs toward zane and look at a little gift box he has for me "Is that for me?"

Zane:"Oh- yes of course" a blush runs across his face and I smile cutely at him, he hands me the gift and I take it gladly, he noticed the heavy make up on my cheek and reaches out for it "Are you okay (Y/N)? Why is there make up on your face?" He doesn't notice how close he is to my face, my eyes linger down to his lips, they look so.. soft

Father:"Okay you can leave now boy I need to have a conversation with my daughter" he places a hand on my shoulder causing me to have my eyes wide and almost shed a tear zane notices my fear

Zane:"Actually I feel like staying, is that okay with you (Y/N)?" 

(Y/N):"O-oh yes zane its fine with me!" 30 minutes later my father is questioning zane

Father:"What is your last name boy?"

Zane:"I'm Zane, Zane... romave" My father chokes on his tea, clearly surprised we have the son of the richest man in town in my home and in his presence 

Father:"what is your relation with my daughter?" he raises an eyebrow toward zane and gives me a nasty glare

Zane:"I am just her friend nothing more" zane looks over to the trash can seeing a teddy bear that is black.. with a scarf "(Y/N) Why is that teddy bear in the trash?"

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