Flash backs

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                                                           Readers POV                                                           

Me and zane are outside just enjoying each others company till we realize, its been an hour Oh jeez

(Y/N):"So... should we head inside?"

Zane:"Yeah sure" we proceed to stand up, but before going in, zane grabs my hand and smiles at me 'so cute' I think to myself as we walk inside hand in hand we walk into the movie theater and sit next to each other, I feel people starring at us, probably in Shock or in excitement,  

                                                            Zanes POV                                                                 

The movie finally finishes and I look over to tell (Y/N), But then I realize shes asleep on my shoulder. It makes me blush so I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the limo, her 'date' insists on taking her home but I insist on taking her to my place, once we get to our street we all say our goodbyes and get out of the limo I begin to carry (Y/N) to my place and felix is following behind once we get to my house I let him in 

Zane:"I'll take her to my room, you'll sleep on the couch"

Felix:"Excuse me? What makes you think she'll sleep with you"

Zane:"Shes done it before" I smirk evilly and I take her upstairs after I've taken her upstairs, I realized one conversation we had, where she cannot sleep in her normal clothes because since shes an angel she has meetings in her sleep, in heaven so I blush at the fact of changing her but I sign and do it anyways I put her into one of my shirts which is clearly over sized but looks cute on her, then I change into my pjs after im done my nightly routine I go downstairs hand felix a blanket and pillow then head back upstairs. After I've done all this I snuggle up with (Y/N) and soon enough I fall asleep next to her. 

                                                           Readers POV                                                           

I finally wake up and look at the time '6:21? dang so early' I realize I'm in a shirt I do not recognize but see a familiar peacefully sleeping face that's next to me Zane, how cute I giggle to myself pulling down his mask and kissing him ever so gently and I get up, I go to his bathroom and look for an extra tooth brush, I see a new pack but they're all ugly colors so I call one of my spirits and she brings me my tooth brush and so I begin to brush my teeth, after I brush my teeth I strip down and get inside the shower I begin to shower and the spirits help with my wings but they're so gentle with them, I giggle because My (F/C) spirit had gotten wet and started punching at my wing, finally I finish showering so I turn off the water I step out onto the cold marble flooring and the spirits gets me a towel and dries me off, finally I see a spirit with my clothes I grab them before the spirit gets more struggled with it and change into them

(The light pink one in the middle in the top row, or choose which one you like)

(The light pink one in the middle in the top row, or choose which one you like)

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