The bothering warmth(A little smutt?)

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(Y/N) your name

(H/L) Hair length

(H/C) Hair color

(F/C)Favorite color

(F/F) Favorite food

(N/N) Nick name

(E/C) Eye color

(P/N) Pet name

(F/D) Favorite drink

(Y/L/N) Your last name

                                                                                       Readers POV                                                                                

I'm twisting and turning in bed and its getting hard for me to sleep I feel oddly warm and my wings act on there own they spread out and I flip my pillow to the cooler side and bite down on my lip and i hear a soft moan escape my lips, it shocks me for a second but I don't care 

(Y/N)'s thoughts:"W-why am I feeling this way. maybe I just need some fresh air"

I put on tights a hoodie and just normal sneakers and walk outside I just walk around still feeling a little fuzzy and warm but then I stop by a bar and I just walk inside because eh, why not? I walk into the bar and have a few drinks, by a few... I mean 5 I had 5 drinks and i'm kinda tipsy... by tipsy I mean a little drunk... I begin to walk home and notice 2 guys cat calling me "Shit..." You think to yourself, they eventually catch up to you and talk to you, you clearly show no intentions of talking to them by dismissing them and it pisses one of them off and so he pins you aganist the wall you were just walking by "Oh great here we go again..." One of the dudes are whispering dirty things in your ear, you clearly don't like it and so he grabs onto your wing you let out a loud but soft gentle moan as he fondles your wing then suddenly you hear someone call from across the street 

???:"HEY! LET HER GO!"

Guy 1:"eh? Who are you to her?"

???:"Her husband"

You hear the strangely familiar voice get closer 

Guy 2:"Uh... we'll be leaving"

Guy 1:"dude- you couldn't possibly be scared of him!"

Guy 2:"Well we should be his father is our dads boss idiot!" You see the guy bonk his "brother" over the head

Guy 1:"O-OW! HEY!- oh... sorry sir we'll be leaving!" 

They quickly rush away as you look after them

???:"Why do you always get in these types of situations?"

You look up at the tall male with pale skin and diamond blue eyes as his gentle voice soothes you, when you realize who it is, a wave of heat and shock fills you up

(Y/N):"U-uh... mmmf..."

Zane:"Hm? what do you have to say for yourself."

You collapse which causes zane to quickly rush and hold you up, you look up at his diamond blue eyes and request for him to help you home so he does, he has you picked up bridal style while walking towards your house, once you get there he sets you down and you open the door, trying to walk in but seem to be to weak zane sighs and lifts you up once more and carries you to your bedroom, he sets you down on your bed and says his goodnight, but before he steps 1 foot away from you, you grab his wrist and pull him down getting on top of him, you now have him pined down on the bed your heart is beating violently in your chest and you put your wings away.

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