Under the angels watch

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(Y/N) your name

(H/L) Hair length

(H/C) Hair color

(F/C)Favorite color

(F/F) Favorite food

(N/N) Nick name

(E/C) Eye color

Its the middle of the night and (Y/N) has a bad feeling since shes an angel she can feel when something bad is about to happen to someone around her she puts on a pair of tights and leaves her normal bear shirt on she flys around the block looking into peoples windows to check if they're okay (creepy ik but when its an angel not really c:) she checks everybody and everybody is perfectly fine so she checks the one house she doesn't want to, zanes house she checks on him and sees his twisting and turning in bed 

(Y/N) Thoughts:'oh... hes having a nightmare'

(Y/N) opens his window and flys inside closes it and checks on his breathing he has a pained expression and she feels bad she sits on his bed and lays his head down on her lap wrapping her wing around him zane's pained expression turns soft and hes having a nice sleep now 

(Morning time!!!~)

                                                                                   Zanes POV                                                                                         

I wake up and see the stupid angel there with her wings wrapped around me, I guess she saw me having a nightmare and felt bad, zane sit up and place her head down on the pillow 

Zane's thoughts:'Ugh... how did she get in my room...?'

zane walks in the bathroom  and does his usual routine he walks in his room to see that (Y/N) is still sleeping so he decides to change in the bathroom then he goes downstairs and watches his daily My little horsie zane gets excited by seeing theres a new episode out and watches it, a few moments passed by and zane hears a knock on his door he opens it up to see aphmau and these little fairy things floating around her 

Zane:"Hey aph"

Aphmau:"Hey zane have you seen (Y/N)?"

Zane:"Yeah wh-"

The little fairies pass by you and fly upstairs toward your room where (N/Y) is sleeping zane allows aphmau to come inside and aph follows the fairies

Aphmau:"-uh... are we interrupting something?

She says as (Y/N) awakes and rubs her eyes and the spirits begin to hug her wings gentle (Y/N) stretches then she looks over toward me and aphmau

Zane:"You weren't interrupting anything" 

I say as I throw the blanket over her she has a clear tint of pink across her face... she always does, when shes around me doesn't she? then suddenly the blanket flies up and she flys out the window and aphmau is giving me a smirk

Aphmau:"Soo ehehhehe what happen here-"

I shove a muffin in her mouth 


                                                                                        (Y/N)'S POV                                                                                   

I run into my house and close the door I had completely forgotten I was in zane's house well... he did put me down for a better position to sleep in, and he wasn't rude to me at all so I guess I should make something to thank him... but what?... I see aphmau walking out  of zanes house so you decide to run out the house toward her and explain it to her

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