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Sunday, October 20

8:38 AM

Ate Tiara👑


Hellooo, Ate!
Bakit po?

Sino yung guy na nasa story mo?

He's a friend po🙂


uhm... well, he's my crush, ate.
pero he doesn't know that I like him

classmate mo?

No. He's a STEM student po.
Friend po namin nina Suzy, Crizha and Yanna

Alam ba 'to ni Mama?

Yes, ate.
Pinapasok ni Mama si Joshua dito sa bahay when he went here yesterday

So Joshua pala ang name niya hahaha

Bakit po ate?

Gabby, I just want to remind you kung anong pinag-usapan natin nila Papa before ka pumasok sa Northernville.
No boyfriend/s muna, unless you're 18 na, okay?

Yes ate😊
Hindi ko naman po kinakalimutan kung ano ang napag-usapan natin nila Papa hahaha
Besides, I don't think he likes me.
I heard he is still into a girl named Madeleine😔

Aww. It's okay, Baby Gab.
Let's do some girl talk once I get back from our trip, okay?😉

Sure ate!🥰
Pasalubong po ha?

Oh sige!
Mag-ingat kayo diyan💕

Mag-ingat ka rin po diyan, ate. Lovelots!😘



gabrielle @tyllilililoo 🔒
I realized, maybe, I'm just assuming things.

gabrielle @tyllilililoo 🔒
don't get your hopes up, Tylli HAHAHAHA you'll just break your heart if things won't go how you wanted it to be😔

Into YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon