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I already need to start. Start with a smile on my face.

"Today we will talk about what are the things you want to do. Like what are the activities and food that you want. Do you want to travel?" I smile while asking him.

He handed me the form. No allergies and etc. He just doesn't like spicy foods. I smile because of that. We're the same, I also don't like spicy foods.

"So what?" I ask him again.

He just stares at me like I'm crazy. His brows are in a grim line. 


"Why?" I curiously ask him. Is there something wrong?

"Are you really a doctor? You're asking me if I want to travel? Are you saying that I can go out? You will not ask me, what I feel? Wha--," I cut him off.

The common doctors will treat you as their patient. They will ask how you feel? What are the things you want to talk about? What are the things you want to say? Questions like that. For me, those questions will make the patient uncomfortable and they will feel pressure to tell you something they don't really want to tell you.

I don't want that to happen. I want him to be comfortable around with me. I don't want him to be obliged to tell me something he didn't want to. I want him to be the first one to open up, not because he needs to but because he wants to. I want to see him naturally talking to me saying his problems, opinion, and everything without a burden.

In that case, I can help him, give some advice, honest opinion about it, and how to deal with those problems as a stronger person. He needs to build himself. He needs to rebuild himself.

I'm not the one who will build himself. I'll be just a guide to help him to build himself on his own.

"I don't need to ask those questions. I will know the answer to those questions without asking you...believe me," I meaningfully smile at him.

I clasp my hand. "Okay! so let me ask you. Do you want to go out? You can actually travel. Don't worry about your manger I will talk to him."

He is looking at me dumbfounded, mouth parted. I stand in front of him and put my hands on my waist.

"Wait! As your doctor, you're not allowed to stay in your room the whole day. You're also not allowed to take any kind or type of medicine. No sleeping pills okay?! If you can't sleep just say or call me. These reminders will start today, understood?"

He just shook his head like he can't believe me. He stand up and goes back to his room.

Ay! Attitude. Hahaha


Tnx. (Hi blue_ever=)

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