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I thought I would fall from my seat. My jaw dropped.

I was shocked!

Seungcheol's father drops his chopsticks. Seungcheol mouth parted opened. All of our eyes are wide opened.

But Seungcheol's grandmother was smiling widely at me...waiting. She's smiling like she didn't say anything wrong!

"M-ma'am," I stammered. I can't look at her.

"Call me Halmeoni, Sweetheart."

My face heated. Damn it!

I want to disappear right now. I know my cheeks are red. I'm damn blushing!

"Halmeoni don't--,"

"None Ma'am," I shyly smile at her.

I see how Seungcheol's father shook his head. "Sorry she's just--"

"Seungcheol's brother is single," She said smiling widely at me.

Seungcheol frowned. His eyes are now watching me, looking at me intently.

His grandmother was looking at me like she wants to convince me of something.

"He will be in the military soon. But still, two and a half years is enough so you can know each other."

My mouth parted. Damn it w-wait. I'm still can't recover from what she just said earlier and now she's saying this?

I politely smile at her. "M-ma'am I don't think it's good or appropriate to--"

She looks at his grandson whose frowning at her. She pouted and she lose hope. She can see that she can't convince me anymore.

"Halmeoni stop it," Seungcheol said. It was so cold that I have goosebumps when he said that.

He was now staring at me.

"I just want to have a girl in this house," Halmeoni said. She looks at me again. "She was so beautiful and kind. I like her aura. I can see that she was a good woman. She can take care of your brother if ever. It just a bonus that she was a doctor!" 

I can't help but to laugh a bit because of her compliments. I'm happy that she likes me, it gave warm in my heart.

I couldn't stop it... I hug her immediately.

I feel her stiffened.

"Thank you, Ma'am," I sincerely said.

It's the first time that someone saw me as a good person and appreciate me...

She hugged me so tight. "Can you stay here for a little more?" Now it looks like she doesn't want me to let go.

"No, we need to leave before 11." He said with finality.

We continue to eat.

I feel so happy talking to his grandmother. It feel so surreal, I can't help but to be happy being with them.

It's been a long time...

We exchanged phone numbers. She said I can visit here anytime I want. But looking at Seungcheol, it looks like he doesn't want me to go back here again.

We bid goodbye to his family. We get inside the car without talking to each other. He was holding Kkuma. 

I was looking at him, he was not looking back at me. He doesn't want to look at me. Did I do something wrong?

Is he mad at me?




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