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"Come on, let's go!"

"W-wait wait I t-think... I c-can't--."

We're now in the parking lot. We will go to their house.

To be honest I'm nervous. I will meet his parents!

"Who said you can't?" I raise my brow at him.

"M-me," he whispered. Then he lowered his head.

"You don't believe in yourself? You think you can't take care of Kkuma because of your condition?" I seriously ask him.

I saw the anger in his eyes. His fist tighten. He is clenching his jaw. 

"Don't you miss him? I'm here. I will help you! Their's nothing you need to worry about...I know you can take care of him...I trust you."

I gave him a reassuring smile.

He step back. I see the hesitation in his eyes.

He's worried about the dog. Because of his condition he thinks he can't take care of him properly. But he can! He's just thinking too much. Actually being with his dog will help him. I will make him realize that.

I step closer to him. I softly smile at him.

"I'm here...I will help you," I reach out my hand. "Come on let's go! I know Kkuma wants to see you. I'm sure he misses you."

We stare at each other. I smile widely at him.

The cold wind blew. We stare at each other, not minding the cold wind of the winter season. My hair is moving with the wind.

I shivered. 

I was about to lower my hand because I can't take the cold winds. When suddenly, I feel my hand enveloped by heat...I felt the warmth from his hands.

Slowly a smile formed in his mouth. "I will trust you."

My eyes widened but I immediately smile at him. I laughed and pull him inside the car.

Damn it is so cold!

I put my seatbelt and blew my hands.

I turned to him and I saw him looking at me.

"Why? Are you okay? Are you cold?" I ask him while still blowing my hands.

He slightly laugh and shook his head. "Nothing."

I just shrugged my shoulders.

When I started driving my nervousness came back to me. I took a deep breath and sighed.

Oh Lord, please help me, guide me.

One hour of driving and now we're in front of the house. His house.

No one's going out of the car. I see him staring intently in front of the house.

"Can I come, right?" I ask him to lighten up the mood.

"Of course, you're the one who wants me to get Kkuma, right?"

"Why, you don't want to be with Kkuma?" I raised my brow mockingly.

"Of course I want to..."

"I will be here," I assure him.

He looks at me. "I know, I trust you." Then we smile at each other.



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