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Jackson looked over to Irene three hours later watching the concentration cemented in her features as she looked at the file in her hands and her computer screen in a repeating pattern. His work seemingly forgotten as he watched her continue to work effortlessly, the fear he had seen in her features hours ago dissolving into nothing. But he knew better. He knew this was just a pretence for his benefit, that deep down under her many layers of cold exterior she was struggling to keep it together. His mind worked trying to think of ways to keep her mind of it. He stood up catching her attention instantly with a bright smile that had her confused. "What?" She asked placing the file down in front of her. He stretched out his hand towards her. "Let's go on a date." He spoke, watching her eyes become wide. She stuttered on her words for a second causing him to laugh, as she continued to look up at him in disbelief. His eye brows raised as he waited for her answer patiently, her eyes casting to the work that was sprawled out on the table. She stood up placing her hand in his, the work could wait her heart chimed as he gave her the signature  Wang smile that made her slightly weak in the knees. He kissed her forehead, interlocking her fingers before picking up her bag and handing it to her. They left the office employees turning to watch the small exchange between the two with smiles on there faces.

Twenty minutes later Irene and Jackson sat opposite the other casually talking and laughing as if the last five years hadn't happened. They were seemingly transported back to a time where things were good, perfect between them. They smiled shyly at each other the subtle teasing and sexual tension noticed by the waiter who laid their food in front of them. Irene turned to him. "Thank you." She said as the waiter bowed leaving the two alone. "It's been awhile since I've been here." She said looking at the food. It was the dish she would always order when they came to this restaurant. It was their secret place to come, the food always immaculate. Irene had brushed aside the fact that he had remembered her order like it was something he recited regularly, her heart skipping a beat. He smiled at her. "Yeah it's been awhile since I've been here too." She sipped on her drink. "Oh really? I'm sure you've brought countless people here." He inhaled a sharp breath knowing what she was insinuating. "No. This is our place. I would never come here with someone unless that someone was you." His words caused her heart to skip a beat as she grabbed the cutlery in her hands passing him some as well. Their hands touching, Irene tensing as she quickly withdrew her hand with an uneasy smile. Jackson sighed, watching as her attention went to her phone that was blaring. He watched the crest fallen face that her features displayed to him taking her phone and placing it next to him. "Don't do that to yourself Irene. Reading those messages aren't going to do you any good." He heard her sigh, a nod of her head directed at him. "I know. Your right Jackson but I can't not look." He offered her a warm smile. "I know. But how about this, for the next couple of hours you focus on me." He watched a smile spread on her face. "Geez Wang are you that desperate." He laughed. "I need the attention Bae. I'm like tinkerbell, if I don't get the right amount I'll die." He leaned back in his seat, his ears captivated with the sound of her laughter ringing out. The look she passed him one that had always haunted him in his dreams, it was one that he thought he would never see again. A soft smile broke out on his features as he continued to watch her let go off all the restraints in her life and ease into something beautiful with him. The banter he had so desperately missed being tossed in the air between them, both of the laughing as if they were in high school and on their first date. Irene moaned slightly as she continued to eat her meal. "The taste hasn't changed. Still by far the best." He smiled watching her, as they continued the undertones of their conversations, Irene sticking her fork into his plate. His eyes widened as she chewed at his food, something she had done back when they were together; stealing his food. He huffed cutely. "Your lucky I like you Rene..." she leaned over pulling his cheek. "Awww my big baby." He laughed with her as she placed some food from her plate on her fork extending it to him. His eyes softened for the second time that night as she signalled him to eat it. She smiled as he held her hand in his eating the contents on her fork with a smile. His eyes watering slightly as she looked at him in concern. "Was it spicy? Your eyes are watering Jack." He looked at her "No no no. It wasn't don't worry." She nodded as they continued to eat in comfortable silence the two leaning back once they were done. She looked at him laughing. "What?" He asked as she shook her head, taking a tissue and leaning over to wipe his cheek lovingly, their eyes connected as she did. "Your worse than Jay." She said with a smile. "Well he is my son." She gave him a look as he beamed at her with pride. He stood up extending his hand towards her. "How about we have a dance before dessert." She eyed his hand before letting her heart give in, as he helped her to her feet the two heading to the small dance floor in front of them. He pulled her to his chest, one hand holding hers whilst her other lay on his shoulder. He smiled down at her, his left hand enclosing her waist as she smiled back up at him. He swayed her to the beat of the song, the song changing moments later to a more fitting song for their story.

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